Church Announcements


The session of Christ the King established the Abuse Prevention and Response Committee (APRC) in June 2018. This committee was announced on June 24, 2018 along with the session's response to an independent assessment of how our church responded to disclosures of misconduct in the church. This announcement is published on the APRC website listed below. To learn more about the APRC or get involved, please visit the APRC website, found at

Sunday Parking

Please note, there is no parking on St. Paul Street next to the church, as it is a private street. If you're looking for parking on Sunday mornings, please use Bishop Allen Drive, Harvard Street, Broadway, or any of the other public streets in the vicinity. Permit parking spots and metered parking spots are not in effect on Sundays, but private streets are never open to the public.

Tuesday AM Prayer Meeting

A small group meets together for morning prayers on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30am in the church social hall. Coffee and bagels or pastries are provided.  You are welcome if you need prayer, also if you would like simply to learn to pray. Attendance from beginning to end is not required. Some arrive late, some leave early. Come help us pray. Feel free to contact the Church Office if you have any questions. 

CTK Snow Team

It’s coming up on that time of year again… we’re recruiting for the CTK Snow Team. What’s the CTK Snow Team? I’m glad you asked. It’s an elite crew of volunteers who receive emails about opportunities to serve our city by shoveling the sidewalks in front of the church. No prior experience required, just a willingness to receive emails and help out as your schedule permits. If this sounds exciting to you, and you think you should be receiving these emails, please contact

Costanzo's Daughter

We are asking for prayers for the Costanzo family. Teagin Costanzo, daughter of CTK-supported ministers Cory and Marna Costanzo, has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  Teagin and her family face an arduous course of treatment in the next months. The family has set up a gofundme site and a t-shirt fundraiser for any who would like to contribute financially to the costs of Teagin’s medical care.

CTK Officers Nominations

Nominations for CTK Officers are now being received. If you are a member of CTK and want to nominate someone for elder, deacon, or deacon assistant, please follow these steps: 
1. Read 1 Timothy 3.1-13 and Titus 1.5-9 for biblical qualifications. 
2. Approach your nominee and ask that you pray together for wisdom. 
3. With the approval of the nominee, please submit the nomination to the elders via the church office.

Faith and Work

Faith & Work for entrepreneurs and small business owners has begun their Spring meetings. Please join us if you would like to participate or contribute in an environment of fellowship, learning and prayer for business owners from the CTK church-wide community. The meetings take place at the Cambridge Office (130 Prospect Street). We are reading Tim Keller’s and Katherine Leary Alsdorf’s “Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work”  and continue with our interactive discussions on a variety of business topics. Please contact John Maudlin or Brenda Souto for more information or if you are interested in participating.