Women’s Ministry

Our culture tells us we can “be it all” – but trying to juggle everything often leaves us exhausted and spiritually hollow. Women’s Ministry at Christ the King in Cambridge provides safe, restorative spaces for women of all ages to spend time with Jesus, read and study God’s Word, and learn from one other. When we follow Jesus in community, we find our identity rooted in his love for us and our lives are transformed by becoming more like him.


We have a Thursday Morning Bible Study that meets every week and a Wednesday Evening Bible Study that meets every other week. For more details on either Bible study, email women@ctkcambridge.org.


Check out the calendar for more upcoming Women’s Ministry events, including hikes, brunches, and other activities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact women@ctkcambridge.org.


For more upcoming events, see our church calendar.


We are starting up a group of CTK Women’s prayer partners (both in person and via zoom). Please contact women@ctkcambridge.org for more details and how you can get involved.

“Prayer is awe, intimacy, struggle—yet the way to reality. There is nothing more important, or harder, or richer, or more life- altering. There is absolutely nothing so great as prayer.”
― Timothy Keller, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God


Daily Bible reading website and app: She Reads Truth



Throughout the year, the women's ministry at CTK hosts monthly fellowship events, such as:

Group Outings
in Greater Boston

Women Together Events

Speaker Events

Christmas Brunch

Events are announced in the CTK Reader, bulletin, and calendar, as well as the women's ministry email newsletter. Please fill out the below form if you wish to receive occasional emails about women's ministry events.

To learn more about any of the above activities, please contact women@ctkcambridge.org or fill out the following form: