Community Announcements

Prattville Gallery

Please join to celebrate the Christmas season and contemplate the incarnation and Nôtre Dame - Our Lady  with work by Jim Zingarelli,  Katy Carter, Aimee Archambault, Kathryn BerchinRaquel Fornasaro, Maxwell Kane and others. The opening show is this ***Saturday, December 2nd at 4pm,*** at the Prattville Gallery in Chelsea (Address: 42 Nichols St, Chelsea MA). Requests to see the show outside public events, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Rosemary Boyle 1:1. 🌲

XC Skiing

Women's XC Ski Trip: For the third year, a group of CTK women and other friends are venturing north for a weekend of cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and conversations by the fire. The trip will occur on President's Day weekend (Feb 16-18). We'll be travelling to southern Vermont (exact location TBD, but within a 2.5 hour drive). Even if you've never skied, feel free to come and learn -- we'll go to a location with equipment rentals and lessons available. Lodging will be in a VRBO (or two) chosen after we know the number of attendees -- signup (including a $100 non-refundable deposit) is required by December 15. For more information, contact Katy Carter ( **note: this is not a CTK-sponsored event

Prattville Gallery

Rosemary Boyle and Sophie Linnell invite CTK to the opening reception for their upcoming exhibition This is Not our Home at the Prattville Gallery. Please join the at the opening reception on ***Saturday, October 7th from 4 - 7 pm,*** at the Prattville Gallery in Chelsea (Address: 42 Nichols St, Chelsea MA). Contemplate Hebrews 13 with work by Kenna Michaels, Lois Andersen, Maxwell Kane & Bradford Johnson. The reception will not have any programming and is like a museum, you can walk through at your own pace, enjoy refreshments, and pursue peace.

Unite Boston

UniteBoston is planning an outdoor worship concert September 30th from 4-6:30p to rejoice in the goodness and faithfulness of our God amidst today’s many challenges: “Again we say rejoice!” (Phil 4:4) This year’s concert will feature performances by top local Christian artists, God’s Chosen community choir, and a united worship band. If you’ve attended a Loved by Route One event at CTK, you will have seen some of the artists who will be performing at this concert, including Caleb McCoy, Shanell Alyssa, and Jen Aldana. RSVP via Facebook to receive important updates about the concert! More details here.

Casket Empty

Carol Kaminski will be holding a half-day Old Testament Casket Empty Conference at Ruggles Baptist Church on Saturday, October 21, from 9:00am-1:00pm.  This seminar is a great way to learn the storyline of the Old Testament, with Jesus at the center, grapple with contemporary issues as they are addressed biblically from Scripture, and understand how the Old Testament fits together theologically. Registration is required for this seminar ($35.00 per person, $25.00 for students with a coupon code). To register visit their Eventbrite registration page. Please email with any questions or to access the Student Discount Code.

RUF Meals

Solomon Kim, the RUF minister at MIT, is seeking help this fall with his ministry to MIT students. They have weekly dinners, and he could use help providing food. If you would like to provide dinner for one of their Tuesday dinner and discussion Bible studies, you can do so by signing up on this link. You can cook or order. You can deliver or have it delivered or picked up by one of their staff. Info and instructions are on that link, but if you have any other questions, please let Solomon know at

Stephen Tong Symposium

On Monday, September 18th, MIT will be hosting Stephen Tong, a Christian Evangelist based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Rev. Tong will be in Boston as part of an evangelistic tour in September. He'll be speaking at BSO on the weekend of 9/15-9/17 and at MIT on Monday, 9/18. The MIT event will be at 26-100 from 7pm to 9pm. This will be an open event for both the MIT community and people outside of MIT, and one that will hopefully have the support of the wider Christian community in MIT and Boston. If you have questions, you can reach out to Solomon Kim, the RUF minister at MIT, at

Park Street Job Opportunity

Job Opportunities: Park Street Schools is looking to hire immediately for several positions, including Grade One Teacher, Grade Four Teacher, Elementary Physical Education Teacher, Part-Time Learning Support Instructor, as well as a few Administrative Leadership positions. If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to

Grace Prep

Job Opportunities: Grace Preparatory Academy of Greater Boston is seeking one or two Christian Teachers to fill the following positions. GPA is a University Model School® where students attend class on campus two days a week and are taught at home by parents, three days per week.  The two available positions are (1) a Phonics Teacher for a first-grade class with 13 students using the Logic of English curriculum.  Pay is $25/hour for 3 hours/week (this includes prep time), and (2) a Writing Teacher for a fifth grade writing class with 4 students using the Institute for Excellence in Writing curriculum.   Pay is $25/hour for 3 hours/week (this includes prep time).  These positions can be combined or applied for separately. Position can be combined with the Phonics Teacher position.  To inquire further, please contact

Park Street Job

Exemplifying a Christian worldview, Park Street School is an equal opportunity employer seeking to fill the positions listed below. Please email for complete job descriptions and application instructions. If you are interested in being considered, please complete our Online Employment Application. Be sure to upload a cover letter and resume when prompted.

  • Grade One Lead Teacher

  • Grade One Associate Teacher

  • Grade Four Lead Teacher

  • Part-Time Learning Support Instructor

  • Substitute Teachers

  • Development Director

  • Elementary Director of Academics

  • Director of Finance

Faith Lutheran Benefit Concert

Benefit Concert for Faith Lutheran: As you may know, the building of Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge was severely damaged in a devastating fire on Easter Sunday. For countless people, including many in the German expatriate community the church and its community has provided a spiritual and cultural home through the years. That is why some students, parents, and teachers of the German International School Boston would like to support the congregation during this difficult time by hosting a concert to raise funds for the immediate needs of the church (e.g. renting office and storage space). Please come for an hour of beautiful music performed by GISB students & a delicious bake sale! Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 6pm at the German International School Boston (57 Holton Street, Allston, MA 02134). Tickets are available here.

Temp Housing

Temporary Housing Needed: A 24 y.o. PCA church member from TX who is moving up to Boston this summer to start an accounting job with Deloitte accounting has a gap between when work begins (8/7) and when his lease begins (9/1). He’s looking to see if anyone might have a spare room for that time. He’s more than willing to pay for those weeks. Contact Austin Hayes if you have any leads: 830-496-1142.

Augspurg show

CTK member Justin Augspurg holds a BFA and MFA in painting and will have an upcoming exhibition of recent work at the Prattville Gallery June 1 - 30, 2023. Please join us at the opening reception on ***Saturday, June 3rd from 3 - 6 pm,*** at the Prattville Gallery in Chelsea (Address: 42 Nichols St, Chelsea MA). The reception will not have any programming and is like a museum, you can walk through at your own pace, enjoy refreshments, and be surprised by joy.

Harvard Homelessness Ministry

The Harvard Square Homeless Shelter and Youth2Youth Shelter will be running over this upcoming summer (6/10-8/10), and they need your help to keep them open! If you will be in the Cambridge-Boston area over this Summer, they would love to have you join their team, and they ask you to please sign up using this application for HSHS and this application for Y2Y by Wednesday, May 31st. In addition, for information about their volunteer policies, please find out more by reading our volunteer handbooks for HSHS and Y2Y.  Please reach out to or with any questions.