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Hot Topics

The Adult Ed series this summer is Hot Topics in the Church, taking a close look at complex social, political, and ethical issues, seeking to apply the wisdom of Scripture to the uncertainties of our lives. The class will be taught by our pastoral staff and members of the church.  All are invited; if you have any questions, please email Nathan Barczi.  The upcoming topics are:  8/26: Science and Faith by James Goodman; 9/2: Review Discussion on Sexuality by Nathan Barczi (to review the classes on sexuality, or any other topics, visit the website).

Boston Fellows

The Boston Fellows is a nine-month fellowship for young professionals at CTK to cultivate the worldview, in prayer and in the community of the local church, necessary for meaningful vocation, in a cohort of peers, spiritual leaders, and professional mentors. The application deadline is tomorrow, June 15 for the 2018-19 cohort, which will begin in September. See www.BostonFellows.com to apply or for more information, or contact Rev. Nathan Barczi by email (nathan@ctkcambridge.org) or 617-320-1346.

Children's Ministry Policy Updates

Important Information for Members & Parents:  The church has put in place additional safeguard measures to better care for the children entrusted to our congregation.  As part of this, updated children’s policy and procedures took effect on Sunday, June 3, including these key changes:

  • CORI checks for all who serve and volunteer with our children.
  • A policy of having at least two adults with children in all rooms at all times.
  • New Nursery Check-in using matching parent and child security labels.

Missionary Contacts

CTK supports a number of missionaries through financial giving, prayer, and encouragement. To strengthen the church's work in praying for and encouraging these missionaries, we are inviting Community Groups to pray for and occasionally communicate with one of these families. CG leaders and/or other CG members can be the primary contact(s) with the family. If your CG is interested in learning more about being connected to a missionary, contact Laura Martin to get more information.

Adult Ed: Selflessness

This Sunday is the final class in the Adult Ed series on Selflessness taught by Nathan Carter.  A sad reality of human life after the fall is our deep self-orientation.  As the Holy Spirit works in the life of a Christian, what does it look like to have that self-orientation changed?  What makes a journey towards selflessness difficult? We will think through these questions and others with guidance from the stories and teachings of Scripture.  We will touch on issues such as service, relationships, prayer, evangelism, and self-control. Recordings of this and past classes are available at ctkcambridge.org/adulteducation.

Boston Fellows: Business Leadership

Boston Fellows is pleased to host three senior business leaders as they share their inside stories of serving Christ on the front lines and what they've learned about leadership on Saturday, April 14 from 10am-3pm at Ruggles Baptist Church. The three speakers will be Tom Colatosti, CEO of Oasis Systems; Dolores Bamford, Managing Director at Goldman-Sachs; and Andrew Buckler, President of Elucid Bioimaging. This event is free and open to the public and lunch will be provided. To reserve your spot, please RSVP by April 13.  

Adult Ed Class - The Whole Christ

This is the final week of the Adult Ed class, The Whole Christ - Law, Gospel, and the Marrow Controversy:  What does an 18th-century debate in Scotland have to do with us?  In the Whole Christ, Sinclair Ferguson revisits the Marrow Controversy to illuminate the relationship of law and gospel.  Running through January 28, this class will follow Ferguson as he explores how Christ not only sets us free from the law, but enables us truly to delight in the law.  Come join the discussion!