Upcoming Events

Deacon's Fund

The Deacons' Fund Offering will be taken up this Sunday, October 29. Once collected, the deacons will donate a portion of the funds to Mission to North America's Disaster Response efforts in Puerto Rico to assist churches there in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. In addition to the offering, CTK has set up an online giving portal, which will remain open throughout the month of November, as means for you to donate electronically to the MNA relief efforts. Click here to contribute to MNA hurricane relief online.

Men's Breakfast

A Men’s Breakfast will be held in the social hall on Saturday, September 23, from 8-10am. Come expecting to be challenged, ready to pray and fellowship with other men in our church. Email Rick if you would like to help out with the meal. ***Speaking of "expecting to be challenged"....we'd love if attendees would help us move some boxes from our current office (130 Prospect) down the street to the mezzanine at the church following the breakfast. Please let us know if you can help, by emailing  deacons@ctkcambridge.org. Our BIG move (from current office to new office) will be sometime in October. Stay tuned!***