Upcoming Events

4th Fridays

Back by popular demand: Fourth Fridays! What’s a Fourth Friday? Why, it’s an opportunity to reconnect with church friends or make new ones while enjoying snacks, drinks, and good conversation. We would especially like to encourage you to bring your neighbors, friends, and/or colleagues. We’ll be meeting this Friday 10/22, starting at 6pm on the Olson's rooftop deck at 20 Corporal McTernan Street. Please RSVP by sending an e-mail to susannevanveluw@gmail.com, so that we know how much food to prepare. A very special warm welcome to those of you who are new to CTK, as we would love to get to know you better. Text Martha (203-605-9898) for directions. Hope to see you there!

Women's Morning Bible Study

Women’s Morning Bible is starting this Thursday, September 16 from 9:30-11a with a brunch outside on the front patio. Feel free to bring something to share. This semester we will be studying, What’s She Doing Here? The Messy Women in Jesus’s Genealogy. Books will be distributed on Thursday and childcare will be provided. Contact is Kelly Sawyer: bostonkelly@gmail.com

Building Meeting

The deacons are hosting a monthly meeting about building care and improvements on Tuesday, August 10th from 7-8:30pm here on Zoom. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to join the discussion or to send us your thoughts (deacons@ctkcambridge.org)! Topics this month will include 8/14 work day planning, balcony rail extensions, nursery carpeting, and the schedule for exterior masonry renovations.

Upcoming Building Meeting

The deacons are hosting a monthly meeting about building renovations and improvement on Tuesday, July 13th from 7-8:30pm here on Zoom. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to join the discussion or to send us your thoughts (deacons@ctkcambridge.org)! Topics this month will include balcony rail extensions, landscaping maintenance, scope clarifications for exterior masonry renovations, children's classroom repairs/improvements, and chair/table storage for the social hall.

Men's Ministry

Men, this one's for you! Join us for a men's ministry hangout on Saturday, May 22 from 2-4pm at Tyler Holley's home in Wakefield. Lawn games will abound (feel free to bring one to share!) Please sign up for a time slot and get other information on this google spreadsheet. The sign up is intended to make sure the event stays within state guidelines. Hope to see you there!

Pentecostal Tabernacle

On Pentecost Sunday, May 23, at 2pm, one of the churches in our area, Pentecostal Tabernacle, will be holding a short outdoor worship service and time of fellowship at Dana Park (70 Magazine St., Cambridge). Members of other congregations are welcome to join! Email elder Rick Olson (rickeolson@gmail.com) if you want to join a group of people from CTK who are planning to attend.

Restarting Childrens Programming

PARENTS AND ALL MEMBERS: The last day of kids' Zoom classes will be on Sunday, June 13. Sunday School will take the summer off as we work towards putting all of our energy into gearing up for those classes and Children’s Worship to begin again in-person in the fall. In order to do this, we need to build a team of 20-25 teachers who can help plan and teach our kids for the next school year. If you have any interest and especially for those who are not plugged back into serving yet, please contact Dana (dana@ctkcambridge.org). Parents, please mark the evening of June 6 on your calendars for a parent discussion on Zoom about restarting programs in the fall. (Nursery families, Lara will be in touch in the coming weeks about plans to get a nursery up and running over the summer.)

Women's Ministry Backyard Gatherings (pic)

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Women's Ministry will be hosting another round of backyard gatherings on Saturday, April 24 and Sunday, May 2 for casual fellowship and (hopefully) spring sunshine - this time in the yards of Katie Jentoft and Martha Olson. Please sign up in advance for a time slot. Email office@ctkcambridge.org for the sign up sheet. The sign up is intended to make sure the events stay within city/state guidelines. See you in the yard(s)!

Adult Ed on 4/11

On Sunday, April 11 Ted and Carolyn Turneau, a missionary couple we support, will be visiting us virtually at 9am during the Sunday School hour. If you are able, please plan to attend the Adult Education class that week to hear from the Turneaus, who work as teachers at two different Christian institutions in Prague, Czech Republic. We will be able to hear about the opportunities and challenges of reaching out to students during the pandemic and have the chance to ask questions and pray for them "in person."

Holy Week Schedule w/ Image

Holy Week Schedule w/ Image

Join us for Holy Week services - our Good Friday service will be at 7:30p on April 2 on our Youtube channel; the Sunrise Service will be at 6:15a on April 4 on Zoom, and our regular 10:30a service will stream on Youtube. We are hopeful that the sanctuary renovations will be complete in time for Easter. Assuming they are, the 10:30a service will be both in person and online. In person attendance will be dependent on state gathering guidelines and registration will open the week of March 28.

Communicants' Class

A Communicants Class is starting soon for kids who may be ready to join the church. We are adapting the format this year to a co-teaching model, with parents teaching much of the content at home. Kids will also attend periodic virtual meetings to discuss the material with course teachers and peers. Parents interested in learning more about this class are invited to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, March 3 from 8:00-8:45pm on Zoom. Please contact Dana Russell for details and the link to join the meeting.

Women's Backyard Events

Women's Ministry will be hosting backyard gatherings on Saturday, March 20 and Sunday, March 21 for a time of fellowship. One gathering will be on Saturday, March 20 from 2-4 pm at Amanda Holley's home in Wakefield. Two gatherings will be on Sunday, March 21 from 2-4 pm at the homes of Catherine Cook in Somerville and Laura Martin in Belmont. Please sign up for a time slot and get the information for the locations on this google spreadsheet. The sign up is intended to make sure the events stay within city/state allowed guidelines. Looking forward to seeing many of you!

Congregational Meeting (2/21)

Congregational Meeting Announcement: The Session of CTK has called a congregational meeting for Sunday February 21 at 7pm - 8pm. The purpose of the meeting is (1.) to release Pastor Nathan Barczi as a pastor of Christ the King Presbyterian Church* and (2.) to present a communication plan for the Five Year Plan. There will be a prayer meeting directly preceding the congregation meeting, using the same link, starting at 6:30pm. The Zoom link will be emailed to members, or you can request it by emailing office@ctkcambridge.org.

*Because Nathan is an Associate Pastor the congregation must vote to release him from his current role at the church. Nathan has accepted a call to be a pastor on the staff of CTK Newton. He is also currently serving as the director of the Octet Collaborative.

Pastoral Search Prayer Time

The Pastoral Search Committee is well on its way, but for all its considerations and deliberations, we need prayer more than anything. Paula Sachsenmeier and Laura Bullock have started Prayer Visits with our Community Groups to encourage all of us to join in regular prayer for the pastor and path God has in mind for our church family. If you’re not part of a Community Group, or if you missed the prayer visit for your CG, there will also be an additional prayer meeting on Zoom on February 23rd at 7pm. Please contact Laura to get the link. Let’s turn Psalm 127:1 into a prayer of dependence on God and anticipation of His faithfulness, by crying out: ‘MAY the LORD build OUR house…!’