Portuguese Service

PM Youth Group

The PM Youth Group is learning how to explain their faith in Christ. Meeting every Friday at 8:00pm, teenagers are challenged, encouraged, taught and trained on prayer, Bible Studies, activities and spiritual formation. The subject for the next month will be the uniqueness of Christ among other gods. The studies and activities are being taught in English. Please contact sebastian@ctkcambridge.org for more information.

PM Fellowship Groups

PM Men’s and Women’s Ministry Groups gather every third Saturday of the month, at 5:00pm in the social hall, for fellowship, discipling, and growing in faith. The groups will be taking a break for the month of August. Please contact Alex Silva at pmmen@ctkcambridge.org or Viviane Gomes at pmwomen@ctkcambridge.org for more information. All are welcome!

PM Young Adults

The PM Young Adults exists to promote a passion for the knowledge of God, as we grow united in Christ and seek to reflect His glory both in words and deed. Our current generation faces many philosophical, theological and cultural challenges presented by the so called "post- Christian" society. There is a desperate need for equipping and training young adults in the Truth of Scripture in order to impact our present generation with the Gospel. If you would like to learn more about our discipleship small groups, Friday meetings, social justice initiatives and fellowship events please contact helio@ctkcambridge.org