China Partnership Prayer Meeting

CTK supports the China Partnership and invites you to join in their prayer movement. Citylife Presbyterian Church is hosting a prayer event for the church in China on October 6, 1:30-3PM at the Revere Hotel Boston Common. Please see for details and a short video about the Chinese Church. Contact Miriam Kreher for more details.

Glynn Harrison

Copy of Glynn Harrison Registration.png

Registration is still open for adults, but please note, we have reached capacity for childcare.

WHAT: a series of talks on the ongoing sexual revolution and the response of the church
WHEN: Saturday, September 14th, 10a-3p
WHERE: 99 Prospect St., Cambridge

  • Optional lunch, $5

  • Walk-ins are welcome, but to opt-in for lunch, pre-registration is strongly recommended.

  • More details on our FAQ page or contact

SS Teacher

Have you ever thought of yourself as a Children’s Sunday school leader? Maybe you’re wondering if you have what it takes. Well, you don’t need to be ordained, be a professional teacher, or know everything there is to know about the Bible to serve in this way. But God might be calling you to this ministry if you have the following qualities:

  • A heart for nurturing kids’ faith, helping them ask questions, wonder about God, and discover something new.

  • A desire to make God’s story personal by helping them relate the Bible to their own lives, and sharing about your own faith along the way.

  • A love of learning — teachers always learn right alongside their students!

We currently have an opening in our Grade 4 & 5 Sunday School teaching team — please contact Dana if you are interested.

Brazilian Grad student looking for housing

A Brazilian grad student is looking for housing while he attends Longy School of Music. Gustavo has been studying at the University of NC School of the Arts and living with former missionaries in Winston Salem during his studies. He will now be studying cello in Boston and is looking for housing by August 22. His F-1 student visa doesn’t allow for a employment outside of his school, so if you are aware of any free or inexpensive options for him, please contact Jim Davidson (the missionary who Gustavo has been staying with) at 336-608-9838 or at

Park Street School Job Openings

Park Street School is still reviewing candidates for several positions . Anyone that is interested in these positions should email or look up the postings on Schoolspring.

  • Elementary Part-Time Paraprofessional

  • Part-Time School Psychologist

  • Part-Time Preschool Music Teacher (2 days a week)

  • Part-Time Auxiliary Coordinator

  • Substitute Teachers

  • Assistant to the Head of Schools

  • Development Associate

  • Elementary School Principal

SS Teachers

Enjoy building relationships with kids…consider teaching Sunday School during the upcoming school year! Classes meet from 8:45–9:45am and both weekly and half-time (shared) teaching positions are open at different age levels. Curriculum is provided—a willingness to teach is the only prerequisite! Training is available for those with no previous experience. Contact Dana ( for more information.

Women's Ministry Book Club

Women’s Ministry is hosting a summer book group to read through C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy.  There will be three meetings throughout the summer, with each meeting discussing one of the books.  The final meeting to discuss That Hideous Strength will be at 7pm on Wednesday August 28 at Amanda Holley’s home.   Contact for details. Happy summer reading!