Advent Series

ADVENT SERIES by Nathan Barczi

First Sunday: Wait and Hope 

Second Sunday:  Peace I Give You

Third Sunday:  Veiled in Flesh the Godhead See

Fourth Sunday:  Justice Delivers its Gift

Suggestions for further reading:

God is in the Manger is an Advent and Christmas devotional relying primarily on the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

For additional reading on the incarnation and Christology (covered on the Third Sunday in Advent), Michael Horton has produced three very useful resources.  Pilgrim Theology is a very readable single-volume introduction to Christian theology.  For a more comprehensive, textbook-like, single volume treatment, see his The Christian Faith.  For even greater detail, see his four-volume dogmatics, in which Lord and Servant deals with Christology.

On the question of God and suffering, see David Bentley Hart’s essay No Shadow of Turning: On Divine Impassibility (with apologies for the marginalia!), as well as Anastasia Scrutton’s essay Emotion in Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas:  A Way Forward for the Impassibility Debate? 

For additional reading on the links between the Garden of Eden, the Temple, and the New Heavens and Earth of Revelation 21-22, see G.K. Beale’s essay Eden, the Temple, and the Church’s Mission in the New Creation