Hot Topics in the Church

This summer Christ the King is taking a closer look at complex social, political, and ethical issues, seeking to apply the wisdom of Scripture to the uncertainties of our lives. (Summer 2016)


  1. How to choose a church
  2. Art and Beauty
  3. Politics
  4. Faith and Science
  5. Genetics
  6. The environment
  7. Scripture
  8. Housing
  9. Money
  10. Technology
  11. Gender and Church Office
  12. Singleness
  13. Sexuality and Marriage
  14. Marriage
  15. Work and Rest

Suggestions for further reading:

  • pro-homosexual practice

    ◦    James Brownson, Bible, Gender, Sexuality

    ◦    Matthew Vines, God and the Gay Christian

    ◦    Ken Wilson, A Letter to My Congregation

  • anti-homosexual practice

    ◦    Robert Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice

    ◦    Wesley Hill, Washed and Waiting

    ◦    Sam Alberry, Does God Hate Homosexuals?

    ◦    Kevin deYoung, What Does the Bible Really Teach . . . ?

    ◦    Eve Tushnet, Gay and Catholic

    ◦    Tim Keller, Preaching

    ◦    Jonathan Grant, Divine Sex