
Sola (iTunes)
Words and Music by Zac Hicks
From the album Without Our Aid

This week's featured song was written in 2010 by Zac Hicks, the Pastor of Worship at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  Here are some of his words about "Sola," as shared on his website:

I remember several years ago sitting in Christian Ethics class in seminary, hearing the professor ask the group of forty-plus students, "Can anyone name the five solas of the Reformation." Collectively, as a group, we nailed three and squeezed out a fourth at the end... What are the five solas?

Sola fide - faith alone
Sola gratia - grace alone
Solus Christus - Christ alone
Sola scriptura - Scripture alone
Soli Deo Gloria - To God alone be the glory

...I chose to engage in the Christian practice of art-as-education through writing a song that worshiped God through the five solas of the Reformation... In addition to the five solas, I wanted to convey something else at the beginning of worship that I don't see in a lot of worship songs, namely, that Jesus is our worship leader...
