All Church Worship

In Celebration... On Friday, May 6 the congregations of CTK/Grace gathered in Newton to celebrate God’s goodness to our church. Bradley Barnes reminded us why we gather as one church, and Nathan Glenister led us in singing songs of celebration together. We heard testimonies from Pastor Leandro and Shadrach Jean. Pastor Logan Keck preached from John 13:34-35, encouraging us to “love one another” as we celebrate both the diversity of congregations and the unity of the gospel that we enjoy at CTK. Our love will be a witness, both in our congregations, and around Boston. Nathan Barczi was also installed as Associate Pastor of CTK, after being voted on in November. Many people gathered at nearby restaurants before and after to catch up and continue conversations. We are very thankful for those that gathered to celebrate and worship, and look forward to being together again in the Fall. To God be the Glory!