Women's Ministry Picnic

On Sunday, October 18, the women of the church are invited to a BYOLunch picnic after church in Sennott Park around noon. For those who were able to attend our meet-up in September, you may remember meeting new friends, reconnecting with familiar faces, and - importantly - ZERO occasions of joining in a conversation only to find yourself on mute. We expect more of that goodness again. NEW this time: We plan to spend a few minutes in conversation and prayer as a group. We hope you can join us! (@ Teens, you too!!)

If you're not able to attend but want to get involved, please reach out to Laura Martin at lauraamartin87@gmail.com. Whether you're new or have been at CTK for awhile, we would love to get to know you and help connect (and reconnect!) you with other women at the church.