Pastoral Search Announcements


The Pastoral Search Committee met for the first time last night. One of the things discussed was how important communication with the congregation is going to be in this process. With that in mind, there is now a PSC Blog that you can find on the transition web page (which lives under the About section on the website). The blog will be an informal place for the committee to share updates and reflections about the process. All important announcements will also be shared via the usual avenues (the Reader, Sunday morning announcements, etc).

In addition to the blog, there will be monthly updates in the Reader, including specific prayer requests from the PSC. While certain information during the search will need to be confidential, the aim is for the congregation to be as informed and involved as possible.

During last night’s meeting, the group decided on the committee chairs. They are

  • Chair: Gi Yoon-Huang

  • Co-Chair: Leonard Layne

  • Communications Chair: Laura Bullock

You can read more about these decisions and the meeting in the first blog post.

Finally, here are some prayer requests from the committee:

  • We have more roles to assign within the committee, so we ask for wisdom in those decisions.

  • We will have a training session with McGowan next week. Our contact at McGowan is named Ed Norton, and he’ll be guiding us through this process.

  • Please pray as we work to schedule a regular meeting time. Finding a weekly 2-hour block where nine people can consistently meet is a challenge, so please pray for that process.