Coronavirus Response (Week of 3/22) MONDAYS

In light of the CDC’s most recent recommendations that all gatherings of 50 or more people be suspended for the next eight weeks, CTK is putting in place more robust online platforms where the community can gather.

  • We will continue to meet online on Sunday mornings at 10am for a livestreamed service.

  • We've created a CTK Cambridge Slack site,, as one way to stay connected, discuss what's happening with the church, ask for help, and learn about ways to help. You can join using this link. All church-wide announcements will still be made over email and on the web site.

  • Tuesday morning prayer will meet online from 7-8:30a via Zoom. Visit to find the link to the meeting and the written prayers. Download Zoom for free at

  • Some ministries are on hiatus while others are meeting online. Please visit to learn more.

  • CGs are also encouraged to meet online. If you are a CG leader and need help setting that up, please contact the office.

  • If you are not part of a CG and would like to be, please also contact the office.

Two more important points:

And as always, we would encourage the following:



In his hand is the life of every living thing
and the breath of all mankind.