Sunday Volunteers

Every week at CTK, in normal times and now, we serve the Lord and each other by contributing to our corporate worship through various roles.  But in these unprecedented times, the staff and leadership of CTK would like to express particular gratitude to the volunteers who have been serving on Sunday mornings these last weeks. With heartfelt thanks, we would like to recognize Tim Carter and Cara Pardo for serving on the music team, as well as Kris Sachsenmeier, Sam Beswick, and A.W. Simmons for running the livestream.

With deference, respect, and mutual love, all those involved on Sunday mornings — staff and volunteers alike — are encouraged to consider their own needs and the needs of their families, and to bow out from service at their discretion. With that in mind, the Pardos have decided that it would be best for their family for Cara to remain home on Sundays. We wanted to announce this in advance so that it wouldn’t be cause for surprise or concern on Sunday morning during the service. Their family is well. We are so grateful for Cara’s service and for Jonathan, Penny, and Maxwell’s sacrifice in doing without her these past five Sunday mornings.