

With COVID numbers on the rise, we continue to ask that folks please register to attend on Sunday mornings. Whether you choose distanced or open, registering allows staff to know how many seats of each type we need. All our other policies in the sanctuary remain the same and are listed on this page.

Nursery is now open for children ages 6 months - 3 years, children must be able to sit on their own independently. The room will be open to 8 registered participants, with a waitlist available as well. Please recognize that we have limited space available and if you sign up and are unable to make it, please contact us as soon as you can to let us know. Feel free to email Lara Kastelein if you have any questions.

Children’s Worship is starting soon for children 4 and 5 years! Parents and children are invited to join us after the service on Sunday, September 12 for an Open House. Come tour the classroom in our newly renovated basement, preview our curriculum and familiarize yourself with the class schedule and procedures. Class will then open on Sunday, September 19 for up to 10 registered students (with a waitlist available). Kids will be dismissed from the service prior to the sermon and parents must escort children to class in order to check them in. Please contact Dana Russell with any questions.