

  • We are now serving communion at the front of the sanctuary again. Servers will be masked and gloved. The bread will pre-sliced and served to those who come forward, and there will be wine or grape juice available. For those who would prefer not to come forward, the pre-packaged communion cups will still be available at the back table when you first enter the sanctuary.

  • There are no longer any capacity limits imposed by state or local governments. However, we are asking that people still register so that staff can ensure there are sufficient seating options available.

  • There are now two seating options:

    • Open, for those who are comfortable sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with other households

    • Distanced, for those who would prefer to maintain six-feet distance from other households.

  • Also, for the time being, we are asking that everyone continue to wear masks indoors during the service out of consideration for the comfort and well-being of others, including the many children in our congregation who are not vaccinated.

If you would like to attend a service in-person, you may register online to do so here. For those who may need to take young children out of the service, the livestream will be available in the social hall. All our other policies are listed on this page. Please register by 5pm on Friday, especially if you would like “Distanced” seating.