CTK Transition Plans

The elders of CTK are thankful that so many members of the congregation provided thoughtful and insightful feedback on the survey following the Discovery Weekend Church Assessment.  (Learn more about the Discovery Weekend here).

Many recurring themes are evident in the survey responses, and it would be helpful to have some more quantitative information to flesh out and clarify these qualitative insights into the current life of our church. With that in mind, Tim Dietz, on behalf of the elders, is forming a team to construct and field a follow-on survey over the next two months.  This survey is not directly tied to McGowan’s work or the PSC’s activities.  Rather, it is a tool for us as a congregation as we navigate this transition and look to the future.

If surveys, data, and quantitative research are something you have prior experience in, this would be a great way to serve the church. Please contact Tim Dietz for more information.