Volunteer Appreciation

We are thankful for all the volunteers who have continued to serve our children and families this past year. Our faithful band of Sunday School teachers from preschool on up to high school met the challenges of the pandemic and traded their physical classrooms for virtual ones. Thank you teachers! At a time when our kids needed to see familiar faces and despite the transition challenges for yourselves, you faithfully spent each Sunday connecting with our kids and kept them rooted in God’s word each Sunday!

The Children’s Leadership Team was newly formed this year and has also worked behind the scenes brainstorming creative new ideas for ministry during this pandemic year. This team helped us host family gatherings during the fall and delivered gift baskets to families during advent. Thank you also to all the additional volunteers that hosted Nursery Family Gatherings, taught kids about Jesus through the lighting of the advent wreath and fellowshipped with youth through online game nights.

Though at the outset of the pandemic we could not have anticipated how much ministry would change, we are grateful for God’s provision and faithfulness to our kids and families through the dedicated and loving children’s ministry servants here at CTK.