Prattville Gallery

Do you or your neighbors, coworkers, and friends have any New Year's Eve plans? If you and yours are free that evening, please join Rosemary Boyle on***Saturday, Dec 31th at 7pm,***  to celebrate The Origin of the World with work by Justin AugspurgJoanna MuehleisenStephen ThrasherPaula Sachsenmeier, and others (Address: 42 Nichols St, Chelsea MA). The celebration starts at 7pm and it’s like a museum, you can walk through at your own pace and leave whenever you’d like. Only difference is all of the artists are still living and most will be there. It’s a big honor and encouragement for artists to have people give the gift of their attention to the work and ask questions and discuss (or just look for more than a minute!). There are no questions that are off limits. The event will not have any programming/talks etc. Just time to look at the work. Requests to visit the "museum" outside public events, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Rosemary  1:1.