Easter Services

Please join us for our Holy Week services and for our sunrise breakfast. Please register by Wednesday for any services you plan to attend (we want to make sure we have enough bulletins and bacon for all!). For more details and to register, please visit ctkcambridge.org/holy-week.

  • Thu, 4/14, 7:30p :: Maundy Thursday Service :: a service centering on the Lord’s Supper

  • Fri, 4/15, 7:30p :: Good Friday Service :: a tenebrae service of readings and songs

  • Sun, 4/17, 6a :: Sunrise Service and Breakfast :: a celebratory service followed by a shared meal

  • Sun, 4/17, 10:30a :: Sunday Worship Service

We’re also in need of volunteers to help at these services. In particular, we need folks who are willing to greet at the services and a few who are willing to help set up and tear down for the Sunrise breakfast. If you’d willing to help, please contact laura@ctkcambridge.org.