Special Announcement from Lara

A Special Announcement from Lara Kastelein and her family:

Dear CTK Family,

I am sad to share that I will be stepping down from my position as Children’s Ministry Coordinator beginning in September. My last day will be September 3rd. Since moving to Chelmsford two years ago, with the many moving parts of family life this past year, and with the hope to continue to connect ourselves to the community where we live, Eric and I have been discussing visiting local congregations to see if there may be a good fit for us near Chelmsford. In order to give space for us to visit we are taking a season to back away from our church staff and volunteer roles to make this possible. We do not expect this to be a quick transition and we will still be around the CTK community for a while longer, but I am saying goodbye to a role that has been immensely rewarding and a job that I have deeply appreciated. I have been honored to serve this community, teach and care for our kids, share struggles and joys with parents, pivot in and out of COVID, and pray for you all. I will miss this role very much and I thank you all for your encouragement and love for me and my family.

Please continue to pray for Dana and our Children’s Ministry, and each season please take some time to consider how God may be calling you to serve the children of CTK. It may be as simple as greeting children on Sunday or praying for them each week, but perhaps you are ready for a season of serving in Sunday School, assisting in children’s classes, rocking babies in the nursery, or planning with the Leadership Team. I am grateful for those that serve and look forward to see who God raises up in this next season.