Sunday Service


On June 23, Dana Russell, our children’s ministry director, will be manning a table in the social hall after the service to complete MA CORI background checks. If you are a new volunteer who needs a check or an existing volunteer who needs to renew their check (basically if Dana emailed you that you are due to get rechecked!) please stop by and see her at the table. Please bring an ID as well as the last 6 digits of your social security number.


Directly following the service this Sunday, there will be a Q&A regarding the most recent letter from the elders to the congregation. There will be childcare and supervision for all ages provided. A few notes regarding child/youth supervision:

  • Parents, please pick up children in nursery immediately following the service

  • Kids of any age may head to social hall for supervision with volunteers.

  • Parents of Grade K or younger must check-in/out children

  • Kids will be served a snack during the Q&A (bagels, fruit, cheerios & water). So kids should take a seat at a table when they arrive.

  • If parents have any allergy concerns, need to let Dana know in social hall.

  • ALL parents asked to pick up children afterwards (so we can account for everyone)

  • Rest of congregation – bagels on offer to grab during break near the bookshelves (please try to keep clear of the kids tables in the back).

Adult Ed

Next Adult Ed class: Supporting our Youth as a Church Family:  Stories and Discussion. CTK has long been home to a vibrant community of children and families. Our children’s ministry comes alongside them with sound Biblical teaching each Sunday, but how else does our church support the youth among us? This is not a parenting class, but instead a discussion on what it means when we take the vow during infant baptism to “as a congregation undertake the responsibility of assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of this child.”  The presenters (Tim Talun, Gi Yoon-Huang, Michael Poor, and Andy Stuntz) will share their experiences as families with younger and older children of various abilities, people of color, one Christian parent, and growing up at Christ the King Church.  We hope this will help spur discussion on how we can better serve the youth of our church in their Christian nurture. Class runs on March 3 & March 10 at 9:15a in the Social Hall.

Advent Wreath

Parents, in the service this Sunday we will continue our Advent celebration by lighting the next candle in our wreath! Presenters will prepare a special teaching for the kids and, as has been the tradition at CTK, we’ll invite any children who would like to come up to the front to sit (parents, feel free to escort them). Families are also welcome to remain in the pew if preferred.

Kids' Sunday Summary

New for Parents: We've launched a new page on the church website called “Kids' Sunday Summary." This dedicated space provides a brief overview of the lessons covered in Sunday classes with questions to continue the conversation at home. This tool is intended to strengthen the connection between the church and home, making it easier for parents to review and reinforce these important teachings with their children throughout the week. Check out the Kids' Sunday Summary page.

K-5 Sunday School

We are preparing to kick off Sunday School for the new school year! Classes for kids in Grades K-5 will begin on Sunday, September 24. Sunday school classes will meet from 9:15-10:15am in the church basement. We will be taking some Sundays off from class (including most major holidays), and the schedule will posted on the church calendar. Please register your children by September 17 to indicate your family's intent to attend for the 2023-24 school year.