
Missions Highlight

January Missionary Update.  The church supports Hannah & Trey Nation (members of CTK Cambridge) in their work with Chinese international students in Boston as part of China Outreach Ministries.  This is an exciting year for them as they notice more individual students interested in Christianity than in past semesters.  Trey meets regularly with several students to read scripture and talk about the gospel.  The Nations also have a regular Bible Study and teach the advanced ESL class at the church.  They ask for prayers as they continue to try to meet new students this winter.  If you would like to receive the Nation’s monthly newsletter, email treyandhannah@gmail.com

Monthly Missions Spotlight

CTK Cambridge supports a number of missionaries around the world.  The church is starting monthly spotlights in the Reader.  We encourage you to pray for these individuals; also, you can join corporate missions prayer on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month after the service at noon in the church office (next meetings Nov 15 & Dec 6). 

The Mahans have had a busy fall with their urban education work in South Africa.  Dana Mahan, who works on with the Institute for Contextual Ministry in the University of Pretoria’s Theology Department, started teaching a new college class on Ministry Partnership Development for a group of pastors leading efforts regarding fighting malaria in Africa.  Sibongile Mahan received her Master of Education this October, and she continues to teach English literature and Life Skills to 6th and 7th graders at a local township primary school.  They ask for prayers for the children coming to this school, who often come from broken homes.

Monthly Missions Spotlight

CTK Cambridge supports a number of missionaries around the world.  The church is starting monthly spotlights in the Reader.  We encourage you to pray for these individuals; also, you can join corporate missions prayer on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month after the service at noon in the church office (next meeting Nov 1).  

Garrett and Kate Parker are starting up another school year at the Christian International School of Prague.  Garret teaches physical education, and Kate is doing administration work and co-teaching a Bible Survey course.  Outside of the school, Kate is leading a discipleship team with middle school girls.  The Parkers report how last year was long and hard for them as they transitioned to living in Prague after being in the US the previous year.  This year they are thankful to be settling back into routines and their work.  Read their full September report here.

CTK Missionaries in Prague

Ted and Carolyn Turnau, missionaries CTK Cambridge supports, will be visiting this Sunday, July 19.  The Turnaus work with the International Institute for Christian Studies in Prague.  A lunch will be held next Sunday in the church office following the coffee hour; all are welcome to join to learn more about the Turnaus' work and pray for them.  RSVPs to Laura Martin appreciated.