English Service

Monthly Missions Spotlight

CTK Cambridge supports a number of missionaries around the world.  The church is starting monthly spotlights in the Reader.  We encourage you to pray for these individuals; also, you can join corporate missions prayer on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month after the service at noon in the church office (next meetings Nov 15 & Dec 6). 

The Mahans have had a busy fall with their urban education work in South Africa.  Dana Mahan, who works on with the Institute for Contextual Ministry in the University of Pretoria’s Theology Department, started teaching a new college class on Ministry Partnership Development for a group of pastors leading efforts regarding fighting malaria in Africa.  Sibongile Mahan received her Master of Education this October, and she continues to teach English literature and Life Skills to 6th and 7th graders at a local township primary school.  They ask for prayers for the children coming to this school, who often come from broken homes.

Monthly Missions Spotlight

CTK Cambridge supports a number of missionaries around the world.  The church is starting monthly spotlights in the Reader.  We encourage you to pray for these individuals; also, you can join corporate missions prayer on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month after the service at noon in the church office (next meeting Nov 1).  

Garrett and Kate Parker are starting up another school year at the Christian International School of Prague.  Garret teaches physical education, and Kate is doing administration work and co-teaching a Bible Survey course.  Outside of the school, Kate is leading a discipleship team with middle school girls.  The Parkers report how last year was long and hard for them as they transitioned to living in Prague after being in the US the previous year.  This year they are thankful to be settling back into routines and their work.  Read their full September report here.

Women's Fellowship Groups

Women's Fellowship Groups meet in both Kendall and Davis for camaraderie and discipling - growing in the faith. The Kendall group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 am at Clover in Kendall. For the Kendall group contact Laura Martin. The Davis group meets every other Thursday at 7:30 am at Renee's Cafe near Davis/Teele Squares. For this Davis group, contact Emily DeBaun Stuntz. If you are interested in starting a new group in another part of the city, please contact Cat Sherrill

CTK Youth Parent Meeting

On Saturday, October 3rd from 7-8:30pm at the church, there will be a Parent Dessert and Coffee Gathering to discuss and share ideas for ministering to youth.  Parents of kids in grades 6 & up are encouraged to attend.  We will have a classroom open in the basement during the meeting so youth (and siblings) may accompany parents. Please contact Dana  with any questions.

Online Giving

Christ the King accepts general and deacon’s fund offerings online through The City. If you don’t already have a login, visit https://ctkboston.onthecity.org/kiosk/setup to create an account and complete your profile. If you do have a login, visit https://ctk-boston.onthecity.org/login. Click on the Giving menu, from where you can make online donations, track your giving, and more. Questions? Email giving@ctkboston.org.