English Service

Year-End Giving Update

Year-End Giving Update. You may remember that we sent an email to the church back in December asking you to consider a special gift toward our projected $63,000 income deficit at the end of 2015. You responded with incredible generosity! The Lord met our need through your gifts, along with those from previous members and friends of the church. We thank you for your participation, and thank the Lord for his kind provision! 

Inman Square Women's Fellowship

A new women's fellowship group will be starting in Inman Square, meeting the evening of the first and third Wednesdays each month, time and location TBD based on participant availability. For more information, contact Annelise Mesler. For other information about women's fellowship groups, or to indicate interest in forming or participating in a new group near your home or work, contact Emily Stuntz.

Adult Education

Being Human: Rev. Nathan Barczi is teaching a class developing a biblical and theological understanding of what it means to be human, with application to many of the ethical questions covered in our summer “hot topics” series. We are exploring how complex issues of identity, desire, and vocation are drawn together and addressed in the Christian doctrines of creation, incarnation, resurrection, and the image of God. The class starts at 8:45 am in the Social Hall and will last for two more weeks.  Come with your questions!  Slides and audio recordings for past class can be found here.

Missions Highlight

January Missionary Update.  The church supports Hannah & Trey Nation (members of CTK Cambridge) in their work with Chinese international students in Boston as part of China Outreach Ministries.  This is an exciting year for them as they notice more individual students interested in Christianity than in past semesters.  Trey meets regularly with several students to read scripture and talk about the gospel.  The Nations also have a regular Bible Study and teach the advanced ESL class at the church.  They ask for prayers as they continue to try to meet new students this winter.  If you would like to receive the Nation’s monthly newsletter, email treyandhannah@gmail.com

Year-End Giving

Year-End Giving to the Church. If you plan to make a year-end gift to the church and want it credited for the 2015 tax year, please be sure to drop it in the mail with a postmark on or before December 31, or give online before midnight on December 31. If you use your bank's bill pay service, your gift will be credited on the date shown on the face of the check. If you plan to make a stock donation, your gift will be credited on the settlement date of the transaction. Any questions, please email giving@ctkboston.org.