English Service

Weekly Calendar

There are so many ways to get involved in the greater community at our church. Click Here to see a schedule of our weekly events at Christ The King. Morning Prayer, Theology Reading Groups, and more... Come get involved! All are welcome. 

Members and regular attenders have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ways on Sunday mornings. To learn more about ways to serve our congregation, please visit ctkcambridge.org/serve-church.

CTK Directory

We are putting together a directory of faces and names at CTK and we’d love to get a picture of you! Please come by the social hall after church THIS SUNDAY where Stephen Thrasher will be taking pictures. This will be the LAST week he will be there taking pictures, and we’d love to get as many as possible taken that day. Having pictures with names is very helpful for the staff and leadership  Once we get the directory put together, though, you will have the option to “opt out” of your information being shared with the congregation in the directory. If you have any questions, contact Sarah Goodman.

CTK Meals Ministry

Interested in making meals for individuals and families in the CTK community when there is a need (due to a new baby, a foster placement or adoption, recovering from an illness or surgery, or a death in the family)? Involvement is flexible – you receive periodic announcements and sign up if you’re able. If you'd like to be a part of the CTK Meals Ministry or would like more information about it, please contact Adrienne