General Announcements

Men's Fellowship Group

Are you a man? Do you eat lunch? If you can answer "yes" to both of those questions, then you are eligible to join the Harvard Square Men's Group for our weekly lunch gatherings at Charlie's Kitchen. We are now meeting at a new time: Wednesdays at noon. Come enjoy some good pub food and participate in conversation topics ranging from John Calvin to Tom Brady to constitutional democracy to why you really should root for the Chicago Cubs Boston Red Sox. Please contact Mike Poor to be added to the distribution list.

Officer Nominations

Nominations for CTK Officers are now being received. If you are a member of CTK and want to nominate someone for elder, deacon, or deacon assistant, please follow these steps:
1. Read 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9 for biblical qualifications.
2. Approach your nominee and ask that you pray together for wisdom.
3. With the approval of the nominee, please submit the nomination via