CTK is looking for new paid childcare staff for the nursery during the worship service on Sunday mornings. If you know anyone who may be interested please contact lara@ctkcambridge.org.
Deacons' Fund
The January Deacons' Fund offering will be taken up (online) this Sunday, January 23, rather than the 30th. For information on giving to and disbursements from the Deacons' Fund in 2021, please see the year-end report here.
Sunday Livestream (Copy)
The Sunday livestream link is available by request only. If you need the link, please email laura@ctkcambridge.org by Saturday evening at 5pm.
Generous Justice
In the Adult education class, we have been pursuing the themes of Micah 6:8 - act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. During the summer, we went through Michael Card's wonderful study on Hesed. (mercy) Morgan Crago has led us through an insightful study of racism in the Presbyterian Church. In our current Adult Ed class, we are using Tim Keller's book Generous Justice to pursue what it means to act justly. In preparation, Pastor Clyde recommends this video from the Bible Project on the meaning of justice in the scriptures as well as this article on critical theory from Tim Keller.
Adult Ed (Pic)
Please note, there is no Adult Education this Sunday (9/5).
Adult Education will resume on Zoom on 9/12 with a new class: In continuation of our study of hesed, or God’s lovingkindness, and in preparation for our subsequent study on the theme of God’s justice, the Adult Ed class will be going through a 2-week study of US Presbyterian history, focusing on the history of our tradition’s response to issues of justice, particularly in the area of race and ethnicity. The class will look at teachings about race in the 20th century southern Presbyterian church, the role of African Americans in these churches, the cultural forces at play in the formation of the PCA in the 1970s, and more recent 21st-century denominational statements about race and corporate repentance.
Children's Worship
Children’s Worship is starting soon for children 4 and 5 years! Parents and children are invited to join us after the service on Sunday, September 12 for an Open House. Come tour the classroom in our newly renovated basement, preview our curriculum and familiarize yourself with the class schedule and procedures. Class will then open on Sunday, September 19 for up to 10 registered students (with a waitlist available). Kids will be dismissed from the service prior to the sermon and parents must escort children to class in order to check them in. Please contact Dana Russell with any questions.
Rides to Church
If you need a ride to church on Sunday mornings, or if you are able to give rides to others on Sunday mornings, please email laura@ctkcambridge.org to arrange a ride share!
Note from the Elders
A Note from the Elders for Young Families:
We want to express how happy we are that families are increasingly making the decision to join us in person at 99 Prospect Street. We realize that it is a complex decision for all of you. If it helps, we are all delighted to hear the sound of children again, joyful or otherwise. Please feel fully supported if you choose to worship as families. Grace is a wonderful gift when shared freely.
But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant, and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read: ‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?” - Matthew 21
No Sunday School/Adult Ed
Please note, there will be no Adult Education or children’s Sunday school Zoom meet-ups this coming Sunday, May 30.
Guest Preacher
PCA Unity Fund
In response to the recent murders in Atlanta, the elders of CTK have written this pastoral letter. A special offering will be collected on Easter Sunday to continue to support the PCA Unity Fund, which is a special fund to help raise up people of color as leaders for our churches.
No Sunday School/Adult Ed on Easter
Daylight Saving
Hymn Highlight
Hymn Highlight for Kids: Jesus, Lover of My Soul . To learn this hymn we’ll sing in Sunday worship, parents and kids can read the following paragraph and listen to this recording of the first verse on our website.
Charles Wesley is known as one of the greatest hymn writers of all time. He published over six thousand hymn texts and wrote an additional two thousand! Some people say this week's hymn, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," is the best ever written in the English language. The words are written as a prayer of trust and dependence in God, who knows and loves his children. The four verses invite believers to find refuge, healing, comfort, and freedom in Christ alone, to know their sin and receive God's "plenteous grace."
Adult Ed
Adult Education this Sunday will be taking a break from the series on the Heidelberg Catechism. It will be taught by a few of our elders at the normal time, 9am on Zoom. The series on Heidelberg will continue on January 17th.
Adult Ed & Sunday school Zooms
Please note, both Adult Education and the Sunday school Zoom meet-ups will be taking a holiday hiatus on Sunday, December 27. Regular meetings will resume in January.
No Zoom Meet ups
Please note, there will be no Sunday school Zoom Meet-ups this Sunday (11/29). Meet-ups will resume of December 6th. Adult Ed will still be happening on the 29th.
Daylight Saving
This Sunday (11/1) marks the end of Daylight Saving. Don’t forget to set your clock back!
No Sunday School
Are you at all familiar with mixing live sound? Or, at the very least, does technology not terrify you? If either of those apply, please consider helping out on Sunday mornings with running the sound board. We can train you on how to use the board, and in many ways, running the board is simpler these days than it was pre-COVID, but it doesn’t quite run itself, so we’re looking for some help. If you’d like to learn more, please email amanda@ctkcambridge.org.