Please note, there is no children’s Sunday school this Sunday (2/19) due to Presidents’ Day Weekend. Classes will resume on the following Sunday.
Sunday School
Please note, there will be no kids’ Sunday school classes this Sunday, January 29, the weekend of the church getaway. Classes for Grades K-8 will resume the following Sunday, February 5. Note, during the worship service, Nursery and Children’s Worship WILL be available as usual.
Communion this Week
Unfortunately, we will not be having the Lord’s Supper this Sunday (1/29) in Cambridge, as we will not have an ordained minister present to preside over the table. We look forward to joining around the table together the following Sunday (2/5).
CW and Sunday School
Please note, there will not be Sunday school or Children’s Worship this Sunday (12/25) or next Sunday (1/1), but classes will resume on January 8th. Also, for this coming Sunday, the nursery room will not be staffed, but will be open for any parents who need to make use of it during the service.
Deacons' Fund Offering
Please note, our Sunday service on Christmas Day will be at 11am and will be a shorter service.
Given the abridged order of service on Christmas Day, the December Deacons’ Fund Offering will not appear as part of the day’s liturgy but instead be taken up entirely online. If contributing to the Deacons’ Fund is part of your giving routine—or even if you are a first-time giver—you may do so at any time between now and the end of December here:
Sunday School & Children's Worship on 11/27
No Sunday School
Please note, there will be no Kids’ Sunday school classes on Sunday, Oct 9. Classes for Grades K-8 will resume the following Sunday.
Nehemiah Map
This past Sunday’s passage was Nehemiah 3, where the Israelites begin rebuilding the gates and walls of Jerusalem. You can follow along here with the reading alongside a map of Jerusalem.
Coffee Hour
This Sunday, Kindergarten through Grade 8 Sunday school will be starting at 9:15a. The High School and Adult Education classes will start later in the fall. During the Sunday school hour, those without a class right now are welcome to gather in the social hall for an informal coffee hour.
Children's Ministry
Attention parents and children’s ministry volunteers: Updated COVID guidelines have taken effect for all children’s programs and classes (including Nursery, Children’s Worship and Sunday School moving forward). Most notably, masks will be optional for both children and volunteers/staff. Read the guidelines at including updated protocols for volunteers/staff and children who test positive for, are exposed to, or develop symptoms of COVID-19. Any questions about these changes should be directed to Dana Russell at
Children’s Worship will resume this Sunday, September 11 with two classes (aged 4-5 years and 6 years to Grade 2), both beginning a study of the Apostles’ creed. Registration in advance in no longer required for Children’s Worship.
Communion Cups
Children's Worship
This summer we have begun a new pick up procedure for children’s worship in order for the children to be in the service for the Lord’s Supper and Benediction. After the sermon, there will now be a song before we take the Lord’s Supper; during the song one parent can head to the back foyer outside of the fellowship hall on the bathroom side. Pick up will take place at the door at the top of the stairwell. Please remember your security tag when you come for pick up. Drop off will remain as usual during the Passing of the Peace.
During Sunday services, sermon worksheets will be available for both 3rd-5th graders and Middle Schoolers to pick up during the Passing of the Peace to the right of the stage. Bring your worksheet to show Miss Dana or Miss Lara what you were able to complete after the service for a treat!
Adult Ed Class
Adult Ed Class: Religious Poetry
Calling all poets! For two weeks we will explore the craft and culture of Christian poetry and analyze a few classic poems to learn how poetry can capture the imagination and ennoble the heart. Poetry is the common denominator of the Bible and can enrich the life of contemplation and praise. After a primer, we will examine the poetry of Herbert, Vaughan, and Christina Rossetti. God is the Poet Laureate of the Universe speaking to us in echos that defy normal speech. Class will be in-person in the Social Hall with a Zoom option. Starting on July 3, Adult Ed will be on hiatus for the summer.
Sunday school
Content Note
Parents of Grades 3-5: We wanted to give you advance notice that this Sunday’s sermon passage deals with a sensitive subject, namely the beheading of John the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29 ESV). As usual, younger children aged 4 years to Grade 2 will be dismissed prior to the Scripture reading and so will not be present. For children in Grades 3-5 who might find this account unsettling or disturbing, parents are encouraged to talk with them about the passage in advance. For guidance, you might refer to the passage in the ICB translation (International Children’s Bible) with language targeted to the Grade 3 level.
Memorial Day
Please note, there will be no children / youth Sunday School classes on Sunday, May 29 (Memorial Day weekend). Classes will meet again on June 5 and 12 before taking a break for the summer months. There will be adult education on Memorial Day.
No Sunday school
Please note, there will not be Sunday school or Adult Ed this coming Sunday. Classes will resume on April 24th.
Songs for Holy Week
In preparation for CTK's Holy Week services, check out to find recordings of all of the congregational hymns we will be singing throughout the weekend. Join us in singing the story of Christ's death and resurrection!
New Hotline Number
If you need to get ahold of staff on a Sunday morning (i.e., if you are scheduled to volunteer on a Sunday and have to cancel at the last minute, or if you’re watching the livestream and are having an issue, or need to cancel your registration for the service), you can now text the church at 617-864-5464. This is the same number to call the church office and is listed on our webpage. The old “CTK Hotline” number is no longer active.
Resurrection Eggs
Resurrection Egg Kits available: Homemade Resurrection Egg Kits are egg cartons with plastic Easter eggs filled with 12 different objects and scripture verses to help explain the story of the Passover feast through Jesus's death on the cross leading up to the empty tomb on Easter morning. We have enough for one per family and if you have not received one, completed kits will be available this Sunday for families to pick up after the service. Please contact if you have any questions.