Sunday Service

Adult Ed

Current Adult Ed class: The world needs Hope. The Church needs Hope. You need Hope.  NT Wright’s exciting book on the resurrection and future hope — Surprised by Hope —  is being offered in a 6-week video series about the sure hope of the resurrection. Come and be encouraged. Why not bring a friend who needs hope? This will be the last class for the spring before summer break. 

Joseph Bartels

We’re pleased to announce that Joseph Bartels, a seminary student at Gordon Conwell, is coming on board part-time to aid with leading and planning worship services through the end of the semester while Amanda is still on administrative leave. Joseph and his wife Katie attended CTK last fall and served on the worship team a few times.  Joseph was also the music director at his former church.  We are very grateful for his willingness to serve in this season.

Easter Resources

This Sunday, two Easter family resources will be available in the Social Hall. The first is Mission Accomplished, a two-week Easter devotional book which begins on Palm Sunday. Sets of “Resurrection Eggs” are also available which offer a hands-on way to share the story of Easter with children. If you already have a set for your family, you might grab an extra one to share evangelistically with friends or neighbors.

Christmas Eve

Please note, this Sunday’s service will be at 4p. There will be no 10:30a service this coming Sunday. A few other changes for this Sunday’s service:

  • There will be Children’s Worship, but the children will stay in their classes during the sermon as well as communion, and then join us in the sanctuary for the final reading and last two songs.

  • There will not be snacks following the service.

  • Nursery will NOT be open for drop-off care (for children 3 years and under). The nursery rooms will be open for diaper changing, nursing mothers or families in need of a quiet space and the livestream of the service and a selection of toys will be available in the Social Hall.

  • The final two songs of the service involve lighting candles. Parents, please use discretion when allowing children to hold their own candles.

Deacons' Fund Offering

Please note, our Sunday service on Christmas Day will be at 11am and will be a shorter service.

Given the abridged order of service on Christmas Day, the December Deacons’ Fund Offering will not appear as part of the day’s liturgy but instead be taken up entirely online. If contributing to the Deacons’ Fund is part of your giving routine—or even if you are a first-time giver—you may do so at any time between now and the end of December here:

Children's Ministry

Attention parents and children’s ministry volunteers: Updated COVID guidelines have taken effect for all children’s programs and classes (including Nursery, Children’s Worship and Sunday School moving forward). Most notably, masks will be optional for both children and volunteers/staff. Read the guidelines at including updated protocols for volunteers/staff and children who test positive for, are exposed to, or develop symptoms of COVID-19. Any questions about these changes should be directed to Dana Russell at

Children’s Worship will resume this Sunday, September 11 with two classes (aged 4-5 years and 6 years to Grade 2), both beginning a study of the Apostles’ creed. Registration in advance in no longer required for Children’s Worship.