Please note, because of our annual Winter Getaway, we will not have a Sunday service in Cambridge this Sunday (1/28). If you’re looking for somewhere local to worship, please check out CityLife in Boston or Seven Hills in Somerville.
Advent Wreath
Parents, in the service this Sunday we will continue our Advent celebration by lighting the next candle in our wreath! Presenters will prepare a special teaching for the kids and, as has been the tradition at CTK, we’ll invite any children who would like to come up to the front to sit (parents, feel free to escort them). Families are also welcome to remain in the pew if preferred.
Sunday School
Please note, there will not be Adult Education or Sunday school on Sunday, December 31st. Classes will resume in the New Year!
Sunday School and CW
Please note, there is no Sunday school or Adult Education this Sunday. Classes will resume the following week.
A note about Children’s Worship this Sunday, November 26: Parents, with some families traveling for the holiday weekend, we will be combining classes this coming Sunday. All kids 4 years to Grade 2 will be together in one classroom (Basement Room 1).
Kids' Sunday Summary
New for Parents: We've launched a new page on the church website called “Kids' Sunday Summary." This dedicated space provides a brief overview of the lessons covered in Sunday classes with questions to continue the conversation at home. This tool is intended to strengthen the connection between the church and home, making it easier for parents to review and reinforce these important teachings with their children throughout the week. Check out the Kids' Sunday Summary page.
Sunday School and Adult Ed
Please note, there will be no K-12 Sunday School and no Adult Education classes this Sunday, October 8th. Classes will resume on October 15th, including an Adult Education class on the Incarnation.
Middle & High School Sunday School
K-5 Sunday School
We are preparing to kick off Sunday School for the new school year! Classes for kids in Grades K-5 will begin on Sunday, September 24. Sunday school classes will meet from 9:15-10:15am in the church basement. We will be taking some Sundays off from class (including most major holidays), and the schedule will posted on the church calendar. Please register your children by September 17 to indicate your family's intent to attend for the 2023-24 school year.
CW for July 2
Parents please note: Children’s Worship classes are taking a break and will NOT meet on Sunday, July 2 (July 4th weekend). Children 4 years to Grade 2 will remain in the service that day.
Baptism Service
Our next Baptism and New Member Reception Service will be on August 13th. If you or someone in your family would like to be baptized, please reach out to by July 9th so we can schedule a sit-down with a couple elders.
Adult Ed
Current Adult Ed class: The world needs Hope. The Church needs Hope. You need Hope. NT Wright’s exciting book on the resurrection and future hope — Surprised by Hope — is being offered in a 6-week video series about the sure hope of the resurrection. Come and be encouraged. Why not bring a friend who needs hope? This will be the last class for the spring before summer break.
Jonathan Pardo
No Classes on May 28th
Please note, on Sunday, May 28th, there will be no Adult Education, no Sunday school, and no Children’s Worship classes during the service. Children 4 years to Grade 2 will remain in the entire service. These classes will resume meeting the following Sunday, June 4. Nursery will be open during the worship service as usual on Sunday, May 28.
Sunday School
New Song
We’ll be singing a new song this Sunday — Grace to Grace. You can listen to it ahead of time, as well as the other songs we’ll be singing, on our Sunday Songs playlist:
Joseph Bartels
We’re pleased to announce that Joseph Bartels, a seminary student at Gordon Conwell, is coming on board part-time to aid with leading and planning worship services through the end of the semester while Amanda is still on administrative leave. Joseph and his wife Katie attended CTK last fall and served on the worship team a few times. Joseph was also the music director at his former church. We are very grateful for his willingness to serve in this season.
Easter Resources
This Sunday, two Easter family resources will be available in the Social Hall. The first is Mission Accomplished, a two-week Easter devotional book which begins on Palm Sunday. Sets of “Resurrection Eggs” are also available which offer a hands-on way to share the story of Easter with children. If you already have a set for your family, you might grab an extra one to share evangelistically with friends or neighbors.
Christmas Eve
Please note, this Sunday’s service will be at 4p. There will be no 10:30a service this coming Sunday. A few other changes for this Sunday’s service:
There will be Children’s Worship, but the children will stay in their classes during the sermon as well as communion, and then join us in the sanctuary for the final reading and last two songs.
There will not be snacks following the service.
Nursery will NOT be open for drop-off care (for children 3 years and under). The nursery rooms will be open for diaper changing, nursing mothers or families in need of a quiet space and the livestream of the service and a selection of toys will be available in the Social Hall.
The final two songs of the service involve lighting candles. Parents, please use discretion when allowing children to hold their own candles.
Daylight Saving
A reminder, Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday — we’ll be springing ahead!