Upcoming Events

Building Renovations

Now that the sanctuary renovations are complete, the deacons are continuing to plan other repairs and improvements to our church building--and we welcome your input and help! We are holding monthly Zoom meetings to plan and prioritize building work, and anyone in the congregation is welcome to join the discussion (either once or every month). The next meeting is Tuesday, May 11th from 7-8:30pm on Zoom, and topics will include:

  • selecting a design for a balcony rail extension to improve safety in the sanctuary,

  • refining the scope of exterior masonry repairs for later this year, and

  • prioritizing potential HVAC improvements throughout the building.

If would like the Zoom link, or if you’re unable to join the meetings but have thoughts or questions about the building, email us any time at deacons@ctkcambridge.org.

Sunday Volunteers

Every week at CTK, in normal times and now, we serve the Lord and each other by contributing to our corporate worship through various roles.  But in these unprecedented times, the staff and leadership of CTK would like to express particular gratitude to the volunteers who have been serving on Sunday mornings these last weeks. With heartfelt thanks, we would like to recognize Tim Carter and Cara Pardo for serving on the music team, as well as Kris Sachsenmeier, Sam Beswick, and A.W. Simmons for running the livestream.

With deference, respect, and mutual love, all those involved on Sunday mornings — staff and volunteers alike — are encouraged to consider their own needs and the needs of their families, and to bow out from service at their discretion. With that in mind, the Pardos have decided that it would be best for their family for Cara to remain home on Sundays. We wanted to announce this in advance so that it wouldn’t be cause for surprise or concern on Sunday morning during the service. Their family is well. We are so grateful for Cara’s service and for Jonathan, Penny, and Maxwell’s sacrifice in doing without her these past five Sunday mornings.

Holy Week Dates

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Please join us online for a Good Friday service on our YouTube channel at 7:30pm on April 10 as well as an Easter sunrise service via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/210402734) at 6am on April 12. And since we won’t be together for Sunrise breakfast, I’ve included our french toast recipe as well as our egg and cheese strata recipe, in case you’d like to make your own :) And don’t forget the bacon…

A Holy Week / Easter Devotion is available for families. The events leading up to Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection are told through a series of 12 Scripture passages and symbols. Families may watch the video in one sitting on Easter or watch portions over the next several days.

Sam Allberry Conference

Hope Fellowship Church is organizing a conference with Sam Allberry on February 7-8 on Singleness in God’s Family. Allberry writes in his book, “Much of what we commonly assume about singleness - that it is primarily about the absence of good things like intimacy, family or meaningful ministry - is either flat-out untrue, or at the very least, shouldn’t be true. To be single, we often think, is to be alone and spiritually hindered. But the Bible paints a very different picture of singleness: it is a positive gift and blessing from God.” Don’t let the title of the conference mislead you, this is for all who are a part of the family of God. All of us who are a part of the family of God need to think better and more biblically about singleness whether we are married or not. We hope that many who are single in Boston will find this conference helpful but also that many who are married will attend and that we will be able to live together more helpfully in the church. You can learn more about the conference and register here.

Congregational Meeting

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THIS SATURDAY: CTK All-Church Gathering and Congregational Meeting on Saturday, January 11, 2-4p.  This year, consider your holiday baking a practice round for the main event…The First Annual CTK Cupcake Challenge will be held on Saturday, January 11 at 2p in the social hall. No need to bake to join the fun. We’ll also have a coffee bar and a hot chocolate bar. Come in and warm up before the Congregational Meeting at 2:30p and Worship Service and Officer Installation Service at 3p. For more details visit https://www.ctkboston.org/news-events

New Women's Bible Study

A new women’s bible study on Ephesians is just starting up.  The study will be every-other Monday evening from 6:00-7:15 pm at Caffè Nero in Central Square.  The next meeting will be Monday, January 27th. Contact Laura Martin for more information.  Additionally, if you are unable to attend the study and would like to do the Ephesians study on your own or with a friend, you can contact Laura about getting a copy John Stott’s Ephesians Study Guide and staying connected with others doing the study.

Christmas Eve

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Begin the Christmas celebrations with us on Christmas Eve at 6pm with a family-friendly service of Lessons and Carols. Invite friends and neighbors as we read through the Christmas story Genesis through the Gospels and sing Christmas hymns that celebrate the coming of our Lord. Please note, there is no childcare available during this service, but the upstairs nursery is open to children and their parents as needed.

CTR Prayer Event

Christ the Redeemer Quincy is excited to host a Praying Life seminar in the hopes of catalyzing a movement of God's Kingdom through enabling people to connect with God in prayer. Their hope and prayer is that many local churches will benefit from it. It's November 15-16; Friday 6-9:30p and Saturday 9am-12:30. The cost is $20, which will cover two meals. It will be held at their church space: 136 Rawson Road in Quincy. See their website for more information or to register.