Room available in Brookline

Room available to sublet: 3 Christian women in their mid 20s/early 30s have one bedroom available from September in a spacious apartment in Washington Square, Brookline.  The two-floor apartment has a large kitchen, living room, dining room, and two bathrooms. There is also off-street parking and a shared washer and dryer in the basement. Rent is $943.50 + utilities. Please email with inquiries and to see pictures.

Hot Topics

The Adult Ed series this summer is Hot Topics in the Church, taking a close look at complex social, political, and ethical issues, seeking to apply the wisdom of Scripture to the uncertainties of our lives. The class will be taught by our pastoral staff and members of the church.  All are invited; if you have any questions, please email Nathan Barczi.  The upcoming topics are:  8/26: Science and Faith by James Goodman; 9/2: Review Discussion on Sexuality by Nathan Barczi (to review the classes on sexuality, or any other topics, visit the website).

Save the Date: All-Church Picnic

The All-Church Picnic is this Saturday, June 9th, from 10am to 3pm at Houghton’s Pond in Milton, MA. Google Maps et al will only get you in the vicinity, so here are exact directions to Picnic Area 5.  For more information, visit  If you would be willing to help in any way, by leading a game or helping with grilling or with set-up/clean-up, please contact Sarah Goodman.  If you need a ride or are able to give a ride to the picnic, please let us know.

Theater Workshop

Physical Presence Workshop: Join the church body in using very simple theater and movement exercises to explore what it means to be present with each other, and to engage with Scripture in a way we often don't. Using the story of the woman who touched Jesus' cloak in the gospel of Luke, chapter 8, we will work as a group to discuss and explore the connection between soul and body. No previous theater experience necessary, but come ready to move! June 2, 1pm-3pm in Somerville. Contact Ruthie Buescher for more info and to sign up.

Spare Change News

Spare Change News is hosting a 25th Anniversary Celebration tomorrow, May 11, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., at District Hall, 75 Northern Avenue in Boston. Mike Thistle of the morning congregation will be a featured speaker and would  like to encourage everyone to come to the festivities. Spare Change News works to empower homeless and economically disadvantaged people in Metro Boston with resources, opportunity, and encouragement in order to create change for themselves in society. Please see the Eventbrite listing here for information about the event and purchasing tickets.

Looking for Nanny Work

Rosemary Boyle's 21-year-old sister Anna is home for the summer and looking for full time work as a nanny. Rate depends on number of children but would start at $18/hour for one. Anna is an early education major going into junior year. Tons of experience with kids in addition to being the sixth child of nine with a nephew and a niece. Please contact Rosemary for more information.

Lydia Carlson Missionary Support

CTK member Lydia Carlson is in the process of raising support for a summer internship with Mission to the World at the Presbyterian Medical Clinic in Belize. Her budget is about $4000, which covers travel, living, and ministry expenses for the internship. If you would like to become a partner in this ministry by contributing financial support as you are able, please visit this link to donate online. Please email or talk to Lydia with any questions or if you'd like to know more about the ministry or ways that you can pray.

Boston Fellows

The Boston Fellows is a nine-month fellowship for young professionals at CTK to cultivate the worldview, in prayer and in the community of the local church, necessary for meaningful vocation, in a cohort of peers, spiritual leaders, and professional mentors. The application deadline is tomorrow, June 15 for the 2018-19 cohort, which will begin in September. See to apply or for more information, or contact Rev. Nathan Barczi by email ( or 617-320-1346.

Children's Ministry Policy Updates

Important Information for Members & Parents:  The church has put in place additional safeguard measures to better care for the children entrusted to our congregation.  As part of this, updated children’s policy and procedures took effect on Sunday, June 3, including these key changes:

  • CORI checks for all who serve and volunteer with our children.
  • A policy of having at least two adults with children in all rooms at all times.
  • New Nursery Check-in using matching parent and child security labels.

Volunteer Appreciation Month

The staff of CTK is so grateful for all the ways that volunteers serve our community, and the month of May marks the time we set apart to express that.  There are a plethora of ways in which people serve the church, and we want to take an opportunity each week to shine a light on and express our gratitude for a different volunteer role.

For this Week: Cambridge is an international city, and CTK is an international church - and so every Monday evening, our ESL Volunteers open the doors of the church to teach English classes to members of the community and the congregations of CTK.  With small class sizes, ESL develops not only language skills, but friendships.  Led by experienced ESL teachers Anna Boardman and Mary Cote, classes are offered at a variety of levels - and they are looking for new volunteers for 2018-19!  Whether you’ve never taught ESL before or have years of experience, you can play a role teaching and loving members of our international community.  Contact Mary for more information.  Thank you, ESL team, for your service to our church and city!

Grace Prep Job Posting

Job Posting: Be a part of a new model of education! We are looking for a part-time (20-hr) Christian teacher two days a week (Mon & Wed, 8am to 3pm) to instruct children in a combined grade (2nd to 4th) classroom. Core subjects include: math, language arts, history/social studies, and science. Qualified and/or certified teachers preferred. This position is for the 2018-2019 school year. For more information on our model of education please visit and If interested, please submit a resume and cover letter to Jenna Wertheimer.

Summer Housing Needed for Family

Housing Needed: The Fosters, a family from NC (Luke, Anne Marie, and 17-month-old son Lewis), are looking for housing from around June 23 through the end of August, possibly longer. Anne Marie is expecting their second son in July, and he has been diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome; he will need heart surgery within the first week of life. They are delivering at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and surgery will take place at Children's Hospital. They are looking for a 2-3 bedroom furnished apartment reasonably close to the hospitals, if possible. If you have any leads on housing, please email Anne Marie.

Brookline Sublet

Room available to sublet: Christian women in their mid 20s/early 30s have one bedroom available from June-August in a spacious apartment in Brookline. The room will be fully furnished. The two-floor apartment has a large kitchen, living room, dining room, and two bathrooms. There is also off-street parking and a shared washer and dryer in the basement. Rent is $943.50 + utilities. Please email with any inquiries.