Seraphim Singers Concert

CTK member Jonathan Henreckson sings in a semi-professional choir which is having a concert in November featuring a selection of sacred and secular music appropriate for the upcoming winter season. They will be performing on Sat. Nov. 9, 8PM, at Eliot Church of Newton, as well as on Sun. Nov. 10, 3PM, at First Church in Cambridge. All are invited to a reception put on by Persimmon Catering after each concert. Advance tickets are $22 Adults/$18 Students, Seniors & Veterans (with valid ID). Door prices are $25 Adults/$20 Students, Seniors & Veterans (with valid ID)/$5 Low Income (with valid SNAP card).

Meet Missionaries

Come meet Josiah Venture missionaries, Diana and Bogdan Anton. We will be meeting in the CTK Fellowship Hall this Saturday, October 26th from 11a-12:30p. Diana and Bogdan Anton will have an opportunity to share their vision of ministry in Romania with us. There will be snacks and coffee and possibly other warm drinks as well. For more information, contact Rachel Thrasher.

Ministry Safe

Today is the deadline for the MinistrySafe training. Any members who serve in the nursery, who lead Children’s worship, or who teach Sunday school who have not completed the training will be unable to serve in the future until they have done so. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you don’t serve in those capacities but would still be interested in participating in the training, please contact

Theology Reading Group

The theology reading group is starting a new book on Friday afternoons from 4-5:30pm at The Field Pub in Central Square. This fall we will be reading One With Christ: An Evangelical Theology of Salvation by Marcus Peter Johnson, an “accessible introduction [in which] Johnson argues that this neglected doctrine is the lens through which all other facets of salvation should be understood.” Contact for more information, or just show up!

Elders on Duty

Starting this Sunday, elders will be available to pray with anyone who desires it during communion. Whether or not you participate in the sacrament itself, please feel free to ask for prayer or to bring your children forward for prayer. There will be one elder near either of the hallway exits at the front of the sanctuary during the distribution of elements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact