
Children’s Ministry Wellness Policy

In order to provide a safe, healthy environment for all our children, staff and volunteers, we ask parents to refrain from bringing children to nursery or classes if they exhibit any of the symptoms below. The same applies to teachers, volunteers and staff scheduled to serve with the children. If a child develops any of these symptoms while in our care, a parent will be contacted to pick up the child.

  • suspected illness or child is feeling unwell

  • fever, vomiting, or diarrhea in the last 24 hours

  • runny nose not clear in color (or excessive discharge of any color)

  • cough, sore throat (including strep, croup)

  • contagious infection or rash (“pink-eye”, impetigo, etc.)

  • head lice (should be free of nits)

  • symptoms of communicable diseases (chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc.)

  • use of antibiotics for 24 hours or less

Please also refer to the symptoms of COVID from the CDC.

Individuals (including staff, volunteers and children) who test positive for, are exposed to, or develop symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to follow the updated Isolation and Exposure Guidance issued by DPH.