Holy Week Services


Thursday, 4/14, 7:30p :: Maundy Thursday Service


Our Maundy Thursday service centers around the celebration of the Lord's Supper, inviting us to remember Jesus' last meal with his disciples and look forward to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. Childcare is available up to age 3.

Friday, 4/15, 7:30p :: Good Friday Service


The service on Good Friday consists of a series of readings and musical responses reflecting on Jesus' suffering and death. We leave in darkness and silence, contemplating the depth of our sin and the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice, waiting for the resolution which comes on Sunday morning. Childcare is available up to age 3.

Sunday, 4/17, 6a :: Sunrise Service and Breakfast


On Easter morning we rise with the sun to celebrate Jesus' victory over sin and death. We sing together, hear God's Word read and preached, and participate in liturgy that reminds us of what we believe through the words of the Apostles' Creed. The festive morning continues with a shared meal following the service. The nursery will be unstaffed but open if parents need to take children out of the service.

For more upcoming events, see our calendar.