Kids' Sunday Summary


This summer classes for kids 4 years to Grade 2 are completing a unit on the First Catechism, a question and answer tool for teaching Bible truths in simple, straightforward language. Chidlren will grow in their understanding of God’s great love for and grace toward them through tracing the gospel message throughout the Bible.

Catechism Question(s):

Q23: What covenant did God make with Adam? The covenant of life.
Q24: What is a covenant? A relationship that God establishes with us and guarantees by his word.
Q25: In the covenant of life, what did God require Adam to do? To obey God perfectly.

Listen to the catechism songs on Spotify and learn the words to the questions and answers.


Bible Story/Passage: based on Genesis 2–3

Teaching points:

  • God set up a relationship with Adam and Eve in the Covenant of Life. God loved and took care of them, and they enjoyed being with God. Adam's part in the covenant of life was to trust and obey God perfectly.

  • God keeps His promises and guarantees He will keep his covenant relationship with His people and us too.

  • Because of our sin we are unable to obey God perfectly—only Jesus could do that. God has promised that if we trust in Jesus, we can enjoy a relationship with Him and one day live forever with Him.

At-Home Discussion Starters:

  1. Have your child share about a time someone made a promise to them that they did not keep. Ask them what happened and how it made them feel.

  2. When God makes promises to us, he ALWAYS keeps them. What are some of the promises God makes to His people?

  3. Why are we not always able to keep our promises to other people? Why can’t we obey God perfectly? How does Jesus help us with that?