CHILDREN on Sundays


The upstairs nursery is open during the service for children up through 3 years. The small room adjoining the upstairs nursery is set up as a quiet and private space for nursing mothers and their nursing infants during the service. We also stream the service in the Social Hall, which offers a place to bring children (of any age) that need to wiggle, move, or be in a different location for part or all of the service. Also, keep in mind that the sounds children are a joyous part of worshiping freely together, and so we welcome and encourage families who desire to keep young ones with them during the service. Feel free to email Dana Russell if you have any questions.



At Christ the King we shy away from training children to merely sit quietly in the pew. We desire to draw our kids into worship as active participants and recognize this doesn’t happen without intentional instruction. To guide them, children 4 years to Grade 2 are invited to a time of teaching tailored to young hearts and minds, to learn alongside peers and prepare them to more fully participate in worship alongside their parents and the congregation. (Read more about our two-year Children’s Worship curriculum.) Kids are dismissed from the service prior to the sermon and parents must escort children to class in order to check them in and then pick them up just before the Lord’s Supper from the back foyer. Please contact Dana Russell with any questions.


SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:15-10:15 AM)

Children’s Sunday School classes are not meeting during the summer.

Explore our Children’s Ministry: