
Greg Russell

Greg Russell

In the CTK pastor profile we state that we need someone "who does not shy away from pushing us out of our comfort zone when needed." In my discussions with Travis as a PSC member and as a Session member, I have felt pastored by him, and felt pushed by him to consider how I personally and our church collectively could reach our community better and witness to those who don't know Jesus. Little things, like how we might explain concepts in the service better, and big things, like how we might become more welcoming, how we as shepherds might care for the church and the staff better are rolling around in my mind as I engage with Travis. I am looking forward to working with him as a congregant and elder for years to come.

Emily Stuntz

Emily Stuntz

I had the pleasure of doing Travis's initial "deep dive" - I was quickly struck by how well he fit our profile, and I was personally moved by his Christ-centered preaching. There are many great things I could say about Travis, but one thing that stands out to me is his thoughtfulness and sensitivity about the experience of women in PCA churches. He highly values the female perspective and truly cares about women flourishing and receiving care in the church - this was apparent not only in his responses to interview questions, but also in his marriage, his preaching, and even the way he interacted with the women on the committee.

James Goodman

James Goodman

The thing that first drew me to Travis is his preaching. I find it clear, accessible, engaging, and unwaveringly Christ-centered. Getting to know him more I’ve come to appreciate his heart for the gospel and how it speaks to not just our hearts, but to the myriad of weighty challenges we and our community face in our particular time and place. Travis also has a tender and empathetic heart for those that are suffering and in need of counsel, and is well-equipped and eager to lovingly listen and apply the gospel. I could go on and on about what a great fit I believe Travis is to be the Senior Pastor of Christ the King, and I can’t wait for you to get to know Travis and Esther and the boys and to see for yourself!

Susanne van Veluw

Susanne van Veluw

Having had the privilege of getting to know Travis and his family over the last few months, I became increasingly impressed by his maturity, gravitas, and thoughtfulness, despite his relatively young age. Possibly shaped by his own experience with suffering, he weaves these traits into his sermons, which I often found to be deep and moving. With Travis I think CTK will have a new pastor who will not only engage our minds and hearts on Sunday morning, but who will show our congregation how to be more outward focused, care for those on the margins of society, and speak into the often complex cultural context we find ourselves in.