Chili Cook-Off — Christ the King Presbyterian Church

Chili Cook-Off

The time is upon us, the First Ever* (that I can think of) CTK Chili Cook-Off is at hand! Tomorrow, 4:30p in the church social hall. If you’re planning on attending, please do RSVP here, even if you’re not bringing chili. We’ll need chips and cornbread, as well as helping hands to set up and tear down, so please consider signing up for those.

The church will provide shredded cheese, sour cream, drinks, and one GOLDEN LADLE for the winner.

If you’re bringing chili:

  • Don’t forget to cook for a crowd

  • Please BYOL… that’s bring your own ladle. We do have extras at the church, but not enough for everyone.

  • The entries will be anonymous, but there will be numbered index cards for you to place in front of your chili where you can indicate any important info (vegetarian, allergen info, etc)

  • There will also be chili pepper stickers you can place on your index card to indicate relative heat. One sticker = family friendly. Two stickers = has a kick. Three stickers = I’m not crying, you’re crying.

If you’re bring children:

Parents & Guardians – Please note that the basement will be closed during the event, but the upstairs nursery will be open to families with littles to use as needed. With child safety in mind, we ask that children remain in the same area as a parent (or other designated adult) and do not wander unattended throughout the building, and young children should be escorted to the restroom. Also, as a general rule, children should not be on the stage or up in the balcony. Thank you!

