Special Announcement

July 4th

Join us for our annual July 4th Picnic at Sennott Park on Broadway in Cambridge, at 4:30p on Thursday the 4th! Invite friends and neighbors! Head to the fireworks afterwards, if you're feeling brave! Please sign up here to bring something or to help with set up or clean up. Pulled pork sandwiches provided by church, as well as plate/cutlery/etc. We especially are looking for help with set-up/clean-up. Hope to see you there!

Holy Week Services

For Good Friday, we’ll be joining with other Cambridge-area churches for a joint service.  This year, it will be hosted at Central Square Church (5 Magazine St.) at 7:30p on Friday, March 29.  It will be a tenebrae-style service.  Please join us for this opportunity to worship alongside brothers and sisters from other area churches as we remember Christ’s sacrifice.