CTK’s Response to Reopening


With COVID numbers on the rise, we continue to ask that folks please register to attend on Sunday mornings. Whether you choose distanced or open, registering allows staff to know how many seats of each type we need.

  • There are two seating options:

    • Open, for those who are comfortable sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with other households

    • Distanced, for those who would prefer to maintain six-feet distance from other households.

  • Distanced seating will be assigned, and our greeters will direct you to your seats in the outer pew sections. Open seating will be unassigned, in the center pew section.

  • Also, for the time being, we are asking that everyone continue to wear masks indoors during the service out of consideration for the comfort and well-being of others, including the many children in our congregation who are not vaccinated.

For more details on what the expect at an in-person service, please see below.

For families with children, please visit ctkcambridge.org/reopening-children for more information about children’s programming.

We understand that some in the CTK community are at higher risk, and not all will be ready to join physical services right away. We encourage each person to follow their own common sense and conscience, with the knowledge that they have the love and support of the CTK community as they make the best decision for themselves and those with whom they live. We are working to keep the whole church connected to worship and to one another through these changing circumstances.

What will a church service look like? .