What can families with children expect?

  • Children under 5 can wear a mask at the discretion of their parents. Children under 2 should not wear a face covering.

  • Nursery is now open for children ages 6 months - 3 years, children must be able to sit on their own independently. The room will be open to 8 registered participants. Feel free to email Lara Kastelein if you have any questions.

  • Children’s Worship is open for children ages 4 through Grade 2! Registration is no longer required, but check-in will still happen during drop-off

  • There is a waitlist available for Nursery. Please recognize that we have limited space available and if you sign up and are unable to make it, please contact us as soon as you can to let us know.

  • Please visit ctkcambridge.org/reopening-children for information about other children’s programming.

  • For those who may need to take young children out of the service, the livestream will be available in the social hall.

  • We leave it to the discretion of each family to decide if their child can visit the restroom unaccompanied.