
How will the congregation be involved in shaping a refreshed vision for CTK Cambridge?

There is a Discovery and Vision Development process as part of the Cambridge Pastoral Transition process that started in early September. All members are welcome, needed, and encouraged to participate. The aim through the Discovery process is to collect a true and fair sample of CTK across all spectrums of its population. While some members of leadership (session, diaconate) will be involved, it will not be limited to leadership. The goal is to hear from the larger perspective of the church.

The Discovery Process as a whole protects against a church simply receiving the vision/aims of the incoming leader and having to adjust the church accordingly. It is about the next leader working with the church to clarify that vision and using his gift set to guide the church into the next stage of its life and ministry. This process is also not intended to retrofit the church with some new strategy or ministry model. Rather, this process is about getting down to who CTK actually is as a church (reality), determining what CTK wants and needs to be as a church (aspiration) and finding the right leader to bridge the gap between the two (leadership).

The first step was a "Discovery Weekend" with 25 participants on September 25th and 26th. The 25 participants were a cross-section of CTK’s membership, ranging in age, length of time at CTK, and various other criteria. During this weekend, the Discovery group walked through a series of exercises to try and answer three questions:

  1. What is the current reality of CTK?

  2. What does the church aspire to be?

  3. Who is the next suitable leader for this vision?

From interviews, surveys, and the Discovery Weekend, an assessment of the church was drawn up. That assessment has been shared with the entire congregation for additional input via a survey, so that everyone can be involved and have a voice.