Schedules Posted

Beloved volunteers of CTK! Schedules for July through September have now been posted — please mark your calendars! You can view your schedule in the email that was sent last week or at or on the Church Center mobile app. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to arrange a trade, please email your team leader or Thank you, as always, for serving in the church!

Adult Ed

Adult Ed class:  Pulitzer-prize winning author Marilynne Robinson has written a new non-fiction book called Reading Genesis, which will serve as the basis for our summer adult education series.  We’ll read Genesis stories together and use excerpts from the book as inspiration for the discussion.  If you’d like a copy of the book, please email Class continues this week, July 7th.

Women's Book Club

Women of CTK, join us this summer to read and discuss Rembrandt is in the Wind: Learning to Love Art Through the Eyes of Faith by Russ Ramsey. The book is divided into stories of nine different artists, spanning nearly four hundred years of art history in the West.  If you are interested in joining at any point, or just want to be on the email list with dates and locations, email Sarah Goodman at Next meeting will be Thursday, July 11.

July 4th

Join us for our annual July 4th Picnic at Sennott Park on Broadway in Cambridge, at 4:30p on Thursday the 4th! Invite friends and neighbors! Head to the fireworks afterwards, if you're feeling brave! Please sign up here to bring something or to help with set up or clean up. Pulled pork sandwiches provided by church, as well as plate/cutlery/etc. We especially are looking for help with set-up/clean-up. Hope to see you there!

Youth Ministry

Being part of the Youth Ministry is not only an important way of connecting with the youth (grades 6-12) and showing God’s love, it can be so much fun!  There are many ways that you can get involved.  Please check out this sign-up and select any roles you’d be interested in learning more about. Feel free to email or speak directly to Gi Yoon-Huang at church on Sundays with any questions.  We look forward to teaming with you! 

Timber Framing

This summer, August 12 - 16, Mon-Fri, Sophie Linnell is teaching a one-week Historic Timber Framing class at North Bennet Street School (NBSS) in the North End in Boston. NBSS Enrollment is open for Historic Timber Framing | Summer '24 | The class will construct a timber frame structure using traditional mortise and tenon joints, learning the layout and construction of historic New England timber framed structures, including barns and dwellings. Construction methods cover the use of traditional tools including framing chisels, hand saws, and marking gauges.

Missions Update

Collin and Zury, a missionary couple we support who visited CTK last September, are campus ministers with RUF in the capital city of a Muslim-majority country in West Africa. The most recent magazine from our denomination’s overseas mission agency (Mission to the World, or MTW), has an article on the West Africa team which describes the area’s religious culture. The article (p. 12–15) highlights the major growth of Christianity and Islam on the continent and the importance of openness, welcome, and a holistic presentation of the gospel among the Wolof people of the area. Check it out here, including the picture of Collin with his co-workers on page 13!

Thankfully, the university at which Collin and Zury serve re-opened after some political turmoil, so please continue to pray for their connections with students there.

Boston Fellows

The Boston Fellows is recruiting now for the class of 2025 that begins in September (See this page of recent reviews.) It is a program aimed at strengthening each person’s ability to serve God and neighbor in the working world. CTK has many BF alumni, one of many is Rosemary Boyle for those who would like to be personally connected, don’t hesitate to reach out ( For context, Rosemary works in oncology clinical research management at MGH. Although the Boston Fellows program recruits across all industries/trades.

Welcome Visitors

  • Welcome! We’re so glad you’ve visited us. Please fill out our digital visitor card so that we can get in touch with you.

  • Community Groups are an essential part of our life together at CTK. If you’d like any help getting in contact with a group near you, please email

  • The CTK Reader is our weekly e-newsletter that goes out on Thursday afternoons. It’s a great way to learn about upcoming events as well as to post announcements in our “Community” section.

Monthly Financial Update

Once a month, we provide a financial update to the congregation, reflecting our fiscal year-to-date income and expenses, vs the budgeted income and expenses.

CTK Cambridge Financial Update: FY22 to Date (July 2021 - October 2021)
Total Income: $192,020 (vs. $233,333 budgeted)
Total Expenses: $230,208 (vs. $237,848 budgeted)

This update is intended to provide a high-level look into the finances of the church. If you have questions or would like more detail, please contact