Congregational Meeting

Dear CTK Cambridge Family,

I'm looking forward to being together with you all for our first congregational meeting since my arrival! We will start holding these more regularly to give updates on the life of the church, to repoint us toward our vision and mission and to dedicate our church, city and world to God in prayer.

This time around we'll cover 3 topics (none of which require a vote).

1) I will give some updates. I'll share about things like how my transition has been going so far, what's new under my leadership and what kind of expectations we should set for ourselves in this new season of ministry at CTK.

2) We will go over this year's budget (something we'd also like to start regularly doing). As you'll see in the linked overview of the FY22-23 operating budget, we have budgeted for a deficit. We do not believe it is a cause for alarm, though it does deserve attention. We plan to offer guidance for moving forward and addressing the deficit.

3) We will give updates on the building project and share about what's next.

We want to leave space for questions during each topic, so please feel free to ask. If we don't know the answer, we'll tell you we don't know.

In this season of rebuilding there are likely many things we don't know or have to wait on the Lord for. But we're confident God is always with his people in transition and that "God will supply every need of [ours] according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Php. 4:19).

See you Sunday,
