
A Note from Pastor Clyde

Dear CTK Family,

Valerie and I are deeply grateful for the opportunity to worship with you and serve with you over the past ten months. We have made some great memories with you. We are very excited about your future. It is as bright as the promises of God.

My encouragement to you is to continue to grow exponentially in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love this exhortation from Dane Ortlund.

Do you want to grow in Christ? Never graduate beyond the gospel. Move ever deeper into the gospel. Boom.

Even before I came to CTK, I experienced the affection of Christ Jesus for you all. I will continue to hold CTK in my heart and I will pray that your love may abound more and more with knowledge and all discernment. Paul's words from Philippians 1 capture my experience with you.

3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 7 It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. 8 For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. 9 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

Shalom, Clyde

PS 305 days until Christmas. 🎅

Congregational Meeting

Join us this Sunday (10/23) for a congregational meeting at 3:30p in the sanctuary. This will be the first congregational meeting since Travis’s arrival, and is a chance to communicate updates on the life of the church, to repoint us toward our vision and mission, and to dedicate our church, city and world to God in prayer. The three main topics for Sunday will be

  • Updates from Travis on things like how his transition has been going so far, what's new under his leadership, and what kind of expectations we should set for ourselves in this new season of ministry at CTK.

  • This year's budget.

  • Updates on the building project and share about what's next.

CTK Stories

CTK fam! You may recall the passage we looked at 2 weeks ago (Neh. 2:9-20) where Nehemiah shares how God had been on the move in his life and how I shared ways God has been on the move in our family's life to get us here with you all. In light of that, I asked us to find ways to share our own stories on how God has been at work to sustain, equip and grow us for being on mission to rebuild. I want to give you a specific opportunity to do that.

I'd love it if you would share a short story of how God has been on the move in your life with us. The idea is to feature stories in the reader during the remainder of our sermon series. You could offer a short (3 min) video or a 300 word (or less) written version of a story - whichever you like best. Kids are welcome to share too! Or if you don't want your story published, but you do want to share it with me or the other leaders of the church, we'd be glad to hear it and be encouraged by it all the same.

You can upload your video or document to this shared Dropbox folder.

Looking forward to hearing about how God has been on the move!

Travis Family Update

As Pastor Clyde announced on Sunday, we received some heartbreaking news from the Drake family last week, that Esther’s mother Jan was in a very serious car accident, and is not expected to survive her injuries. Travis is thankful for the congregation’s prayers in all this, and would ask for your continued prayers during this season of grief. The family was able to gather at the hospital to say goodbye to Jan on Sunday, and are now waiting for her to be with the Lord.

Travis’s Presbytery meeting is still scheduled for March 5th and after prayerful conversations with the elders, he has expressed his desire to still preach for us on March 6th. Travis and Esther will be coming up to Boston without the boys, and see it as a chance to get away as a couple. They are in a very sensitive stage of the grieving process and have asked that those present at the service on Sunday not talk with them about Esther’s mother. There will be other ways for us to express our condolences and care for them — the church will send flowers for Jan’s service and congregants are welcome to write sympathy cards.

The Presbytery exam is scheduled for 9am on Saturday, March 5th on Zoom. Though it is no longer in person, congregants are still welcome to be present at the meeting. You can email for the zoom link.

Note from Pastor Clyde

Dear CTK Family,

This week I would like for you to read chapter 8, To the Uttermost in Gentle and Lowly. Let us take into our hearts together the invitation to be yoked to Jesus in our worship and work, in our words and deeds. And as my friend Rick Downs liked to say to me, "Brother, get ready to stand back and be amazed."

New Weekly Prayer Meeting. Beginning August 12, we will be adding another weekly prayer meeting by Zoom on Thursday evenings from 8:15 - 9:30. We will be using liturgies and scriptures to unite our hearts in prayer. There will be time for personal requests. Hopefully, this weekly PM Prayer Meeting will allow for those who cannot join the Tuesday AM meeting to participate. There is an old saying among missionaries, "much prayer, much power."

Shalom, Pastor C aka Papa C