Travis Family Update

As Pastor Clyde announced on Sunday, we received some heartbreaking news from the Drake family last week, that Esther’s mother Jan was in a very serious car accident, and is not expected to survive her injuries. Travis is thankful for the congregation’s prayers in all this, and would ask for your continued prayers during this season of grief. The family was able to gather at the hospital to say goodbye to Jan on Sunday, and are now waiting for her to be with the Lord.

Travis’s Presbytery meeting is still scheduled for March 5th and after prayerful conversations with the elders, he has expressed his desire to still preach for us on March 6th. Travis and Esther will be coming up to Boston without the boys, and see it as a chance to get away as a couple. They are in a very sensitive stage of the grieving process and have asked that those present at the service on Sunday not talk with them about Esther’s mother. There will be other ways for us to express our condolences and care for them — the church will send flowers for Jan’s service and congregants are welcome to write sympathy cards.

The Presbytery exam is scheduled for 9am on Saturday, March 5th on Zoom. Though it is no longer in person, congregants are still welcome to be present at the meeting. You can email for the zoom link.